Beyond the words. Beyond the thoughts… Yes. That’s the way to put it…
In 2008 I had a very strange experience. You could call it a spiritual awakening. Or a spiritual reawakening.
My view of the world changed completely within a single moment.
„Learn. And wait.“ That was what I was supposed to do. I didn’t know then how long I was supposed to learn and wait. But I knew it was true. That this „instruction“ came from a source I could not ignore.
So I learned. And waited. And wrote down everything that happened to me and everything I learned.
Now the waiting seems to be over. That which I have experienced shall now find its way into the world. In these confusing times. These times of helplessness.
The menu of this website is simple. The final conclusion – that’s what I call it – can be found under Why does the world look the way it does? – The End. It represents the final realisation that has come to me. Reading – and experiencing – this may already be enough.
If you want to know more – from me – then read the introduction. It is a little long. Longer than a Facebook post in any case. And it stretches – you’ll notice – over many years of my life.
If you want to follow my path through the last 15 years, then start with The Beginning – 2009. From there you can click and read through page after page of my development. There are many pages. Much of it is beautiful. But much of it is also not so beautiful. Those who feel our scourge, capitalist materialism, so clearly within themselves must also express this in all its clarity. Express it for all those people who cannot do it themselves.
There is also the menu item The Pendulum. There you will find a representation of our „being“ as I experienced it at that time. Many articles refer to this pendulum.
The texts represent my personal inner development over the last 15 years. I offer them to everyone. As a gift. And I hope that everyone will find themselves somewhere along the way. They can take something with them that enriches or enlightens them.
Not everything is for everyone. But it can’t be. Everyone is at a different point in their development and what seems true or untrue to us depends on that alone. If a text doesn’t appeal to you at the moment, then just click on. Something will come up again that will resonate with you. There is a search function. Use it to search for specific keywords. Try „love“ or „chivalry“ or „male and female„. Or try searching for „raspberry„. You might be surprised at what is suggested to you.
Below are the most recent texts of mine and some that I have „pinned“ on this first page because I think they are particularly interesting for the reader. But there are a lot of them. Browse through what has been brought to me. And if you have laughed with me and cried with me and got upset at what grandiose nonsense I have written, then go to this man. Sadhguru. He will take the next step with you. Millions have already taken it. And the more people take this step, the greater the probability that we can still save our world.

I wish you much joy and much new knowledge. Come through this time well. Grow. Become strong.

  • Goal orientation

    Goal orientated? The path is… the goal? And now? What does that mean? What does that mean? A goal is a point. An event. In time and space. In the future. One of – let’s understate it – gigaquadrillions of points or events that can manifest themselves in a chosen section of the future. Its…

  • Change

    We mourn the beautiful yesterday because everything there was the way we wanted it. We had everything under control. Today we have nothing under control. Everything resists us. Is against us. What is left for us to do? Walk in selflessness and live through the situation in peace….

  • New possibilities

    Only in change can our karma be dissolved. Only in new action, in new thinking, in new movement. The old loses its formative power. If we are then still so conscious that all thinking, acting and moving is done selflessly, then nothing new earthly accumulates. And we approach liberation. For many, change means crisis. But…

  • There is only one purpose.

    There is only one purpose. And that is to work powerfully in love, in union, in selflessness in this world. It is my purpose and everyone else’s. Those who do not know where they belong and what they are supposed to do in this world: here they have the answer. There is no other. Not…

  • Spirituality means…

    …to have one’s body and mind under control. Means to have the body biochemically under conscious control and thus to interrupt its compulsion to fear-driven reflex actions, its survival instinct, its material determinacy. If you control the body, you automatically control the mind. If body and mind no longer react automatically in egoistic survival fear,…

  • Being creative and strong

    Man needs challenges. He needs the confrontation with the unknown. He needs to measure himself against the environment. Must be centred. Must act. Now. In the one present moment where everything lies. This strengthens body and mind. Makes us creative and strong. But only without fear. Only without fear may we act. Powerfully centred in…

  • Turning point

    And there I am on this hiking trail. „Oh!“ is its name. And it is so lovingly designed for the children. They can learn so much about the animals, about nature. They can be right in the middle of it. Learn. And I’m on this hiking trail, so lovingly designed, and I have a lump…

  • Competition

    No one necessarily wants to race. But the cars have more and more horsepower.A tap on the accelerator accelerates so much more than 10 years ago. Even riding a bicycle with electric drive. And everyone goes along with it. It’s the habituation. Getting used to the speed and the acceleration. Everyone unconsciously tries to adjust…

  • Liberation

    Of course, one can say: „Life is great after all! Why should I liberate myself from it? I want to live on and on. For all I care, rebirth after rebirth.“ We are full and secure. But for our fullness and security, others have to suffer. Humanity is one organism. The earth is. And the…

  • The cosmos moved the cosmos

    The beech leaf moves in the moving water. My hand moved and made the water move. The plants I ate before supplied my body with the energy. The earth and the sun have supplied the plants with energy. The earth is supplied with energy from the sun. The sun got its energy from the cosmos.…

  • Summerhill – It has all been said long ago.

    A. S. Neill in Summerhill writes everything we need to know about our society. Everything is current and so frighteningly true. Still. After 70 to 100 years… It has all been said long ago.

  • Oh, how can one think that all are single things.

    Part of the coast collapses into the sea. The sea has loosened it. The wind has moved the sea. The heat on the land has created the wind. The sun has warmed the earth. The cosmos has ignited the sun. Oh, how can one think that all are single things. Man he concretes the sliding…

  • We are out of options…

    What are we supposed to do? What are we to do, I ask, if we cannot save ourselves in the old way? What are we to do if our salvation requires a change of consciousness, indeed first of all a development of consciousness? Take the children and finally enable them to develop as whole human…

  • Oh, you givers!

    How am I supposed to get anywhere here? Here On this forest path? There they offer their fruits for free, The raspberries, a few blackberries, ah, And there they stand too, the nettle with its seed. They call for me to taste and So I accept the gifts. Taste. Each has a different one to…

  • When I left…

    There is no going back. Everything has gone. What lies before you is totally unknown…. That is dying. In dying you can become solid. Focused. Clear and calm. You can face the unknown. The inevitable. The night before the battle gives birth to heroes. Every day, every minute must be dying. Is dying. Just not…

  • A flowing good and balanced story

    The human being, like everything, is an expression of vibrations. These vibrations are infinite in number and infinitely interwoven. The programme runs like word after word in a radio programme. These vibrations can repeat themselves in a quasi-circular fashion. 7 o’clock alarm clock, brushing teeth for 4 minutes, left arm resting on the sink. Then…

  • All is well

    When the mother tells the injured child „all is well“, this is not out of ignorance of the situation. On the contrary. It comes from the inner knowledge that on another level the person is invulnerable and already saved, healed.

  • Thankful to the life

    On a hike I am grateful for every raspberry that is given to me and satisfies my hunger. We can be just as grateful when we go shopping in Aldi or Rewe. And not thankful to Messrs Rewe or Aldi, but thankful to the life that nourishes us so selflessly.

  • When you have experienced something, then you have to decide how to deal with it

    „Above the dam we used to change the oil back in the 1950s. We simply let the old oil run into the ground. No one thought at the time that it might contaminate the groundwater“ the old man told me. Shaking his head at his own stupidity. „So soon after the war, people thought of…

  • As long as everything is full and safe, there is no reason for people to change

    As long as everything is full and safe, there is no reason for people to change. But full and safe is about to change and man must now begin to change too. And this not hectically instinctively in fear and aggression, but consciously and in peace so that the transformation works for the benefit of…

  • Inner and outer perception are the same thing

    „ „Everything that is in consciousness has first been received through the senses,“ say the sensualists. They deny the view that all knowledge is already present in the human being, only that it cannot be fully retrieved. But this – inner – knowledge can also be sensefully experienced: it is received through the soul sense.…

  • It’s a strange story, isn’t it? But it is true.

    I feel people when I am in connection with them. I feel them very clearly. I once wrote a letter. An email to Mrs Merkel, our Federal Chancellor. A few days later, I’m walking with friends in the park, a strange feeling suddenly comes over me. Suddenly I know that on this Sunday afternoon Mrs…

  • Permanent awakening

    When I gave up my profession, this was my first awakening. Without knowing it, I knew that this is not the life a human being should live. When I realised as a host that there was something good in every human being, a light that I could perceive and accept, that was my second awakening.…

  • Karma

    Man is a cosmic function, a vibration. Just like everything else in the cosmos. In the same way he is a reflection of material events. In this he is determined. Is he a willless part of the course of the cosmic vibrations of all matter. This is the „karma“. The ever-recurring compulsion. The oscillation according…

  • The change, nobody has to be afraid of what is coming.

    The experiences of the 1910-30s (and later again of the 60s) in Europe have naturally led politics to remain in a middle, motionless, waveless and tough mush and to drag the population into this spell with them. No movement = no differing opinions and so no possible splits. No danger of revolution. No chaos that…

  • If I am weak, then I must seek my fear.

  • If everyone were truly aware of their mortality, how wonderfully we would be able to evolve…. Everyone would be at peace and see clearly. Everyone would see that their divinity is not in matter.

  • Where is our origin?

    We are looking for our fractal predecessor for our superior form in the universe and do not find it. That is why we think we are separate or even special. If we were to look for it in what is happening, we would see that our doing is the doing of the universe in miniature.…

  • When we stop trying to be somebody,…

    When we stop trying to be somebody, then we can rest. And in rest we can achieve everything. All being. If we want to be liked, to have influence, to be recognised, then we want to spread out beyond ourselves into the thoughts, into the consciousnesses of other people. We want to spread out in…

  • Without opposites

    In your inner knowing there are no opposites. You are infinite and you are eternal. In eternity and infinity everything is realised in you. Every deed, every being, every existence, everything for which we do not even have concepts. The entire cosmos. There is nothing contrary. You are me. I am You. We are everything…

  • The beat counts. Man must not disturb it.

    „Stayyyy back!“ the loudspeakers are blaring. “Dooors are cloooosing!“ A fast pulsating red light lights up above each door of the new underground trains. Inside and out. There is a beep that rises and falls in rhythm with the light, sounding as if it had previously served as a high-level alarm tone in a high-security…

  • World Peace Flag

    A huge blue and yellow flag flies over the museum. For the people of Ukraine. But what about the people of Russia? No sympathy for those who also lose their children in senseless war? A world peace flag must be raised. For all the people who are forced to fight each other. Ukrainian and Russian…

  • Give people back their security. Everything else will find itself.

    It is the feeling of loneliness that makes man irritable and aggressive. In loneliness he is afraid. When he is afraid, he feels threatened. The body and the mind go into attack mode. The pulse throbs nervously in the temples and chest. When the lonely man has gained power, he wants to use this power…

  • If I go up in the flow of the whole system, then I face the people as a guided part of the whole.

    We are so weak because we feel people’s feelings so much. That’s why we are afraid of contact, of a negative impression that comes crashing down on us pain full on. That’s why we try to avoid or, if that’s not possible, to take in for ourselves. The pain we absorb from people is simply…

  • The way to freedom from suffering

    What does the lonely man do in his suffering? He tries to get involved in the world. And he fails, since society is geared towards lonely struggle, since it is the cause of his loneliness in the first place…. Most people have to recognise that they will not find a place in this society that…

  • We don’t „see“ the world. A fact that should be brought out much more.

    We don’t see the world. We have an artificial image of it in our minds. A fact that should be brought out much more. The meaning of things perceived would shift immensely. If, after all, we only have an image in our head that is generated by impulses from our senses, then it is not…

  • I have returned to this path

    If one has distanced oneself from the blocking, obscuring and blinding external circumstances in one’s consciousness, then one is free from all entanglement and psychological drama. And the path shows itself in morning-fresh clarity. Security and love for the whole of creation gain the upper hand. One wants nothing more than to serve the world…

  • Absolute devotion only exists in absolute inclusivity

    If I give myself absolutely to a thing, then it can fulfil me completely. I am only connected to it and all other connections no longer have any meaning. Mostly, however, the connection in a group still plays a role when this group represents the thing. Outside the group, all other groups, persons and their…

  • Scraps of words at the Brandenburger Gate:

    „Ultra crassly competetiv… you know?“ „I see. Never it is enough… and so.“

  • If we are stressed, we cannot love. That’s enough. Isn’t stress always? Systemic?

  • The energy animal

    An animal, let us call it energy animal, which instead of laying eggs could throw atomic bombs 100 kilometres away and detonate them there, and which by means of a chemical ejection could liquefy entire forests and the entire landscape flora and fauna of a vast area into a mush that is nutritious for it,…

  • What is the conclusion after 15 years? Spontaneous inner recognition is a wonderful thing, but…

    Spontaneous recognition is a wonderful thing. And if you go out into nature and are far away from the business of people, then you can surrender to this recognition and let it come and go spontaneously in your pulse. You are in a situation that supports inner awareness. You can’t lose it there. If you…

  • Joy

    Joy also expands. But joy serves no one as a means of appropriation. Joy is purposeless and causeless. Thus not material. Joy is an expression of the primordial state of the universe. Joy is all-encompassing. Is the ultimate expansion at the level of the soul. Encompasses everything from eternity and in infinity. Nothing is without…

  • Humility, peace, acceptance, selflessness

    Humility, peace, acceptance, selflessness are the infinite expanses. Nothing opposes them. They are the opposite of matter. They are the expression of the unspeakable, in which matter expands and incorporates itself. They are not children of the mind. They are beyond it….

  • The mind is an expression of the material happening

    The volcano creates new land in the sea. The storm tide eats steadily at the coast of the island. The energy that is dominant here and now spreads out. Consumes the other. Judging, condemning are expressions of this energetic dominance. Space is given to the applicable law. The judged is incorporated. If the judge goes…

  • When I love, the power comes to me, fills my whole being.

    Whoever can only see the lack, in the situation or in the neighbour, whoever only experiences the pain of separation, becomes ill in body or mind. In his perpetual suffering he loses all his energy. He who recognises the Divine Being in himself and can also perceive this in the world, in everything, in his…

  • How does man come up with this idea?

    After all, it is an absurd claim of man to have to manage the world according to his own ideas. Just growing immeasurably in this technological age. What is the justification for this idea? Man is not capable of it. His ideas are far too simple and one-sided. Step back again. Give space. Let the…

  • The journey with no destination- Now I have to go where I never wanted to go.

    My feeling is that these animals are supposed to fly. We are in southern Spain. Surrounded by palm trees and orchards. It wouldn’t be a problem. They would neither freeze nor starve. I have a strong impulse to just slide back the latch on the gate and let the animals go free. Why put flying…

  • This must be clear to anyone who advocates materialism

    If we persist in the survival instinct, then only our power of annihilation elevates us above other creatures. Survival alone means destroying or controlling everything else. There is no room for manoeuvre. This must be clear to anyone who advocates materialism. In his worldview, the condition in which humanity has brought the world is predetermined.…

  • From ants und man

    On the five-metre-long ant trail, a large number of ants carry lentil-sized palm seeds from the place where they fell and were left lying into their burrow, whose entrance is a two-centimetre-high cavity in the space between two large stones. Little by little, over time, countless of these seeds disappear into the small cave. The…

  • It is a time that is coming to its end.

    When the suffering in people becomes too great, the search for the perpetrators turns outwards. They search and search – and find. Even if it is only a person on the same side of the pavement. Or the weather (whether sunny or rainy). Or someone who likes violets more than roses. No matter. The anger…

  • A look, an act towards the other, without an occasion, given away, as it were, a harmonious attunement to the surrounding, on one’s own initiative….

    What is the relationship of many people in capitalist materialism to each other? Only when someone stands in their way, does not do what you want, does not give them what they are entitled to in your eyes…. Only then are they interested in that person. Only then. And only for that person. And only…

  • Two kinds of liberation

    There are two kinds of liberation. The liberation from soul knowledge and the liberation from the material determination. If a person is liberated from soul knowledge, then he is no longer connected to anything. He is ruled by fear and lives the maximum control of his environment. Seeks unity in the control exercised through him.…

  • Nowadays and in this world means love…

    Nowadays and in this world means love, to buy and control someone. Means peace, to get rid of your fellow man. Means happiness, controlling the people you want, getting rid of the people you don’t want… …and then in addition having a lot of money and not having to work anymore.Or if that’s not possible,…

  • die knowing

    The question of unrestrained propagation has become overwhelming. Propagation through life in time. Propagation through conquests in space. All human activity is only the way that inanimate matter also goes. Pulling back, giving space. Dying knowing. That raises us above mere matter. That is the vocation of man.

  • To turn away is to turn towards

    When we turn away from capitalistic materialism, it is not to separate ourselves from others and live our own lives. But to be able to grow to full bloom and bring light and truth to others.

  • Man asks for the meaning of his existence

    The animal does not ask for the meaning of its existence. It exists in the context of the meaning of creation, but has no sensual access to it. Therefore it is simple. And has no problem with that. The concept of „meaning“ is unknown to it. Man asks for the meaning of his existence. Since…

  • „Everything“ is not always possible

    Sometimes build a hut. Sometimes shoot an animal to eat it. Sometimes do some farming and use the surface for yourself. Perfectly all right. No – problem. But: building up everything, levelling everything, killing everything, mechanising everything… that is a – problem. Keep moderation. Keep the middle. Recognising the natural harmony: Man can do that.…

  • Never can talk connect us as we can so deliciously experience in silence.

    Never can talk connect us as we can so deliciously experience in silence. Enmeshment with our counterpart through the expression of opinion, view, statement, of agreement, disagreement, addition, extension of opinion, view, statement never leads to the experience of the real, the eternal connection of our beings. This entanglement is born exclusively from the fear…

  • Without selflessness everything is calculation

    It looks as if they are doing good, as if they are interested. And they themselves believe that too. That’s why it seems so convincing at first glance. But the basis of their actions is founded in fear. That is why nothing really good comes out of it. Their good is embedded in hidden or…

  • Meditation

    Meditation is pure time. Is uncontaminated time. Is potential time that opens to infinity. For a potential of an infinite number of thoughts and deeds. Meditation is the pure state of time. Is eternity and infinity. Only through thought and through deed does finiteness, direction come into time. Meditation, pure time contains all the possibilities…

  • Man must continue to develop. Back development is not the way – Kurt Vonnegut in Galapagos

    Kurt Vonnegut in Galapagos sees the salvation of humanity in a regression to a seal-like existence. A life simple, short, determined and uncomplicated. Without the „Big brain“ that has thrown humans and the world into greatest suffering. He prefers to return to the completely animal state. As a humanist and atheist, the idea of leaving…

  • He hasn’t had to take any medication since then… It’s as simple as that.

    The day before yesterday I wrote about the psychosis in which materialistic society is caught. Today – as it happens – I meet a young man. 29 years old. Diagnosis: schizophrenia… So far so good. So far so ordinary. But: He spent four months with Sadhguru in the ashram (Nothing bad. No psycho-sect. A little…

  • thinking of fleeing

    …Of course it is an escape when we leave the city. I know some people who see the whole of Germany as lost. Because everyone here is in such a bad mood. That’s why they moved to Spain. It’s easier for pensioners than for ordinary citizens with their iron chain of financial obligations. But simply…

  • And I in peace

    05 December. World Soil Day. Berlin. Dahlem. Right next to the Grunewald. A loft. Approximately 70 square metres. A large living room with a ceiling height of 3.50 m. Kitchen. Bathroom. Guest toilet. Two small rooms. The ceiling is slightly vaulted. Supported lengthwise by four large glue beams. Chic, chic. A balcony half the size…

  • I just want to be what I am.

    I don’t want to be manipulative. I just want to be what I am. If I am going to speak to people successfully, it will be in the right state of consciousness. No rethoric course can achieve this. If I am in a state where nobody wants to listen to me or I cannot communicate…

  • The spirituals are coming on stage more and more. They have to. – Everybody has to…

    Just heard: Eckhardt Tolle says he has to become political. A time of insanity has dawned where one can only wonder whether the leaders are evil or stupid. They lack all wisdom. Those who think they are Napoleon cannot simply be told they are not….

  • Real equality

    Capitalist equality between men and women has nothing to do with balancing the spiritual and the material, since its main aim is to allow both sexes to develop equally in their masculine parts. It is therefore not sufficient. On the contrary, it goes in the wrong direction and creates a false impression. The real equality…

  • What happiness means

    You can ask anyone. Every person on this planet. What they want most in life: to be happy. That will probably be the answer – for most people, anyway. So there is no difference in what unites all people. It seems to be such a profound concept. But who is really happy? Hardly anyone. What…

  • Why can no one give in any more?

    Why can no one give in any more? Why must everyone know everything, control every situation, always have sovereignty of opinion, the maximum share of speech? Why must everyone obsessively and fearfully dominate – and manipulate – everyone and everything? Because experience tells everyone that if you don’t do it, the others will. Then you…

  • To pray is to love. It means accepting. It means uniting where there is already union. It means working with the feminine. With the soul. It means dissolving the illusion of suffering with the substance of the world.

    He who feels the pressure, the pulse in his vessels, the inner heaviness and the sawing with the rusty blade at his senses, he…, yes, he climbs vertical walls, sits all his life in front of the console, turns up the music to the hilt, drives at full throttle like a hunted man, runs, screams…

  • The hatred in the world is there first. And then the mind looks for its culprit.

    It is a physical perception. Purely physical is its origin. The pressure of the vessels from within. The pulse, whose single beat I feel as a vibration of the whole body. Every sound, every question, every presence is too much. Creates too much perception. Too much pain. What follows is irritability, and if the perceptions…

  • The big toe

    „It is only religions that I reject.“ a young woman brought to atheism by her childhood in the Catholic environment of Cologne once wrote to me. „I often find spiritual people fascinating. I even envy them a little for their gift.“ I said something like the following to her in response: Dear Sabine, spirituality is…

  • It is not in the doing itself. It is in what we find – supposed – peace….

    The inaction. The inaction. No activity. No meaningful (!) activity. No sense in being. Acting! Being competent. Acting successfully. To „create“ something. No matter what. That which – one – can. That is meaning. That is – control. That is – security. To be absorbed in it and – forget everything else. Death. The way…

  • If you have dogs, for example, it is important to develop their skills.

    If you have dogs, for example, it is important to develop their skills. That’s how animals do it among themselves. Only where the individual lacks the competence in his disposition, another takes over. Total dominance, on the other hand, leads to one-sided misbehaviour and decisions. Humans are predisposed to competence in the areas of humanity,…

  • Isn’t „profession“ also called „vocation“

    Many political decision-makers think that if unconditional basic income were introduced, no one would go to work any more. What does that mean then? That the world of work is hell where no one goes unless they have to? That working is so bad that you have to make people work? That people have to…

  • „Life is life“. – What does that mean?

    „Life is life.“ Means: the meaning of life is life itself. Or: The meaning of being is being itself. What does that mean? For one person it means complete loneliness. No goal there is. Nothing to achieve. Everything falls back on itself. Always up to your neck in shit. The loneliness. The suffering. That’s all…

  • 1.35 billion dollars. Mega jackpot in the American lottery. Cracked. Today. Not me. Some American „lucky idiot“.

    1.35 billion dollars. Mega jackpot in the American lottery. Cracked. Today. Not me. Some American „lucky idiot“. Mind game: Donate a billion. For spiritual development, the healing of humanity and the earth. $350,000,000 left over. How „left over“?! Left over for me? 350 million dollars? Remaining? Yesterday €120 in the account and today $350 million…

  • Different perceptions

    The realisation that there is no „I“, but only an amalgamation of vibration, leads in the ego, the material aspect – with inevitably incomplete realisation – to fear of death.In the soul part of our consciousness, it leads to a return to the original state of everything – oneness – and automatically expresses itself in…

  • But don’t say: „No idea. That’s just the way things are. We could have it worse.“

    A walk through the summer city. The owner of the furnishing shop died in the daily war.The cautionary tale if you’re not smart, not tough enough in this society. Even ice cream is no longer in demand… Even ready-made rolls and cappuccino are no longer the surefire means of survival. And so everyone tries not…

  • Any activity that does not have humanity as its basis is the activity of a machine

    And should be done by machines. Man can then devote himself to his inner development and his work on creation.

  • When man only sees the desert

    The door in the huge wall behind me is not visible to me. Outside I stand. All alone. Am only body. Feel every cell. Every pain. Am only lonely pain. Heavy I am with my body. So rigid it is. As heavy and rigid as my brain. My thinking. No one I want to see.…

  • Tech-thinking

    Since the digital revolution, we are highly exposed to tech thinkers. Through this influence, there is almost only tech-thinking for human beings. Tech-thinking means following the information fed into it. Inner experience is discriminated against because tech has no such experience. In this way of thinking, the human being is only tech. But the digital…

  • Surplus of life energy

    Money is transformed life energy. If you look at the things people spend money on, you realise that they have a lot of surplus life energy left to waste, that they don’t know where to go with this life energy of their own and taken from others. And they could use it so creatively to…

  • Man does not strive for survival. He strives for happiness.

    Man does not strive for survival. He strives for happiness. But as long as he sees death as his greatest misfortune, he will struggle for his life in vain and never be happy. When man understands his death, then he no longer has to fight for his survival. And only then can he be happy….

  • Thus, in selflessness and in moderate taking for the preservation of our existence, we are always in service to our neighbour. Thus in service to ourselves and to creation.

    Everything that we do not do out of selflessness and / or for the pure preservation of our existence, we do out of the illusion of separateness, of loneliness. We do it out of suffering. Out of ignorance. Thus, in selflessness and in moderate taking for the preservation of our existence, we are always in…

  • How can it be that the most influential fact in human life is treated as if it did not exist?

    How can a society of living beings, capable of foreseeing that their lives will end in death, so vehemently exclude the fact of death from their lives? How can it be that this question is not dealt with? Yes, that most of the forces of society are not busy making this aspect of life accessible…

  • I look at the sports car and realise – somewhat wistfully – that this is over.

    There stands the Porsche 911 Targa in the sunshine. From the 80s in copper brown. A jewel. The pride of every owner. I look at this car and realise – somewhat wistfully – that this is over. Those days of hedonism, of epicureanism, of self-reference are over. We can no longer be children who enjoy…

  • And I feel no more peace. And I am amazed.

    Easter Monday, 8.30 am. Outside. The sun shines gently on my face through the mild air and the first green of the trees. Silence. The birds chirp softly. I turn to it slowly and close my eyes. Feel. – And feel no more peace. I am amazed because the peace around me always made me…

  • Education is the limitation of expansion. Education teaches that everything is already spread, that one is one with what is already spread

    No lava flow stops its advance just to spare a forest. No supernova limits its expansion just to avoid destroying a planet. But man can. For he is more than matter. It is his soulfulness, his inner knowing. It is selflessness in which the true inspired human being shows himself and distinguishes himself from the…

  • The straight line drawn by a careful hand or the subatomic swinging, the circling of the heavenly bodies…. There is no difference

    The order is laid out in the universe itself. In the lines, in the circles, in the spheres. And very deep in the subatomic realms. Rock solid and unchangeable. So man does not have to order the universe. From the outside. On the contrary. His order, the order of his material mind, is simply a…

  • Earth-Day 2022 – and a foretaste of what may come

    22 April. It’s Earth Day. And since this morning the water has been cut off. The pipes are being repaired. The road has been torn up. It’s an emergency. We were not informed beforehand. So there I was at the tap at seven o’clock this morning: no brushing my teeth, no shower, no coffee, no…

  • – An appeal

    Dear fellow human beings, For more than a decade, my thoughts and actions have been determined by the idea that human beings must rediscover their soulfulness, their knowledge of their oneness with creation, in order to be able to live their full, intended potential. And that he must free himself from the materialistic idea of…

  • The new Will Smiths of this world

    Why does it seem that public discourse on certain issues is no longer possible? Neither in the media nor among the normal population? It is a shared hunch. A common repressed knowledge that they have. They know that so much is wrong. They just repress it and want it to remain socially repressed. Why do…

  • The half-knowledge of the half-human

    The physical appearance of life is on a certain level in the middle. It is limited externally. The processes within run on a limited, non-destructive scale. They carry each other. It accumulates space for itself. And it accumulates energy for self-preservation. It is only in the case of man that the incomplete knowledge of eternity…

  • Everyone has the right to be accepted and loved in their community

    Many, many years ago, when I was still a young engineer earning my good money with hard work in merciless capitalism, I once observed a scene between a man and a scrounging punk outside a railway station. The young punk wanted money from an older man and when he got nothing, but was asked by…

  • Loneliness

    Loneliness. Oh, you horrible black steel. Descend upon my shoulders, upon the roof of my skull, into my brain. Freezing my being to ice-cold desolation. To abysmal sadness and blackest emptiness…. Loneliness. When was the last time I felt you? How many decades ago was it? Yesterday Tim was with me. An old – my…

  • How many Sunday rolls could you do without?

    The Ukraine war will lead to shortages in the world’s supply of wheat. So they say. Poorer countries in particular would suffer badly because they would not be able to pay the rising world market prices. So they say. The natural law of the capitalist system inevitably causes this inhuman state of affairs. It could…

  • Our only salvation is the complete renunciation of lies and self-interest. No one needs to roll their eyes at that

    The option of neutralising the system of a psychopath by creating a public that judges his deeds and statements, is rendered null and void at the political level by fakenews, post-factuality, open, shameless, power-full lying. The public is fragmented to such an extent that it is no longer a judging authority with certainty. On the…

  • Every thought is a part of the cosmos.

    Every thought is a part of the cosmos. Every thought depicts a possible state of the cosmos. Our thoughts influence each other. If we think of hell, we create it. If we think of heaven, we create it. If we add pain to the cosmos, we accelerate the fall. If we add security to the…

  • How do you, who only know stone on stone, the office world, want to be able to decide about Mother Earth in her wholeness?

    How do you, who only know stone on stone, the office world, want to be able to decide about Mother Earth in her wholeness? Two days a week in the middle of the wild forest, off the nice comfortable – dead – paths. At least. Only then does the governor know something about his most…

  • Collective blessings

    Sunday morning, 9:30 am. In a beautiful apartment building in a small town in the countryside. Just now I am sitting at my table and the world seems to me like a ball. Like a small ball of clay, the size of a ping-pong ball, which I look at from the outside. A fungus lives…

  • An order of chivalry is needed

    If one elevates the masculine to chivalry and the feminine to self-confident strength, what is to remain unattained for humanity? An order of chivalry is needed. Nationally and then worldwide. Men – people – who protect the feminine in themselves and in the world. Not by patronising and marginalising it, by exploiting it. No, by…

  • Those who perceive inwardly do not need to be controlled with „incentives“.

    „Wrong incentives“. It was said in an economic article. No one understands this any more. If we had created a society of truthfulness and all-encompassing knowledge, we would not need „incentives“ to move companies in a desired direction. Wouldn’t need prey to hold up to predators so they wouldn’t indiscriminately tear everything to pieces. Wouldn’t…

  • The main goal

    Action must never be for exclusively external purposes. The main goal must always be the increase of light in a person. Otherwise it is meaningless play-acting.

  • „No organic stuff will help. And no praying either!“

    „No organic stuff will help. And no praying either!“ these are Detlef’s concluding words regarding a pipe blockage present in our flat. Two points of a covert personal attack. It is the end of a lecture delivered with a lot of pressure (a pipe is a pipe!), whose subliminal, unspoken subtext was supposed to make…

  • It is a law of nature that man can limit his expansion. Can find the middle

    It is a law of nature. The volcano spews ash and lava until it runs out of energy. The supernova expands until its energy is spent. Human materialism expands until it has used up all its energy. – And man can generate energy from all things. – Until everything is used up. To the end…

  • The only multiplication in this world is through the feminine

    Money with its interest is pseudo-yield, is pseudo-multiplication. For it is only primitive taking away dead ashes from one place and adding to another place. The only multiplication in this world is through the feminine, for it adds new soulfulness to the world. This is the only growth that exists.

  • It happens at the level of acceptance. Of the knowledge of oneness

    Our inner, spiritual, feminine eternal knowing asks our masculine material to turn away from the aggressors. Since it happens in conjunction of feminine and masculine, it happens in love and not in hate. It happens at the level of acceptance. Of the knowledge of oneness. It is turning away from the capitalist-materialist way of acting…

  • Morality arises from pure self-interest?

    If Mrs Rand thinks that morality arises from pure self-interest, then let her explain to me the existence of selflessness in the world. Ms Rand did not feel it. That is why she drew such fatal conclusions. And yet owes her existence only to her mother’s selflessness…. Pathological, isn’t it? And those who also do…

  • Protect the feminine, but never without love

    Protect the feminine, but never without love, meaning never act in hatred. Always be ready to give selflessly. Only, in a world of pure matter, of psychopaths who always take everything and never less, who destroy at any price, man is very quickly seduced to kill the feminine in himself and to oppose the maximum…

  • Someone always has to pick up the tab

    It is by design in capitalist materialism that someone always has to pick up the tab. In the end, the all-giving earth. That was always clear. But far away. And then others have to take care of it. What kind of science is that? It’s more like raw criminal activity… Out of stupidity or cold…

  • Only the earth. She cannot be prince.

    The proponents of capitalism assume that if all people are little selfish princes, then everything is OK after all. Only the earth. It cannot be a prince. Because someone has to be the exploited one, if all have learned to look only at themselves and take only for themselves. One must be the nourishing feminine…

  • How many of these people are there in our country alone? People so full of kindness, full of charity, full of feminine knowledge – and left so alone

    I bought a carpet. Second-hand. Online, from a private seller. Now I want to pick it up and I’m standing with my car in front of the seller’s house. It’s in a typical, rather run-down area in a large city in the Ruhr region. I think to myself, „It’s been a long time since I’ve…

  • The eternally knowing gives birth to the world, sustains life and the acting acts without self-interest in joy and love and without fear of death

    Of course, the feminine is exploited. That is its quality. It rests, it carries and it nourishes the infant at its breast. The infant who is the only one allowed to be selfish. The only one who is only allowed to take, because he is still too weak in the world. The conclusion drawn from…

  • Whose lungs only inhale and no longer release the air…

    Whose lungs only inhale and no longer release the air, Whose heart only fills the chambers and no longer empties them, Who only recognises the material, the finite and not its eternal soulfulness, He cannot live. He refuses change, the cycle.

  • We need a women’s parliament

    with decision-making power. A feminine parliament.Not a parliament of female managers, because they are male in their consciousness.A parliament of wise, down-to-earth women. Of mothers.

  • Man can escape the vortex

    Materialism, capitalism, it is – cosmically seen – an enormous death vortex, it is an enormous black hole that will swallow up everything. Both are the same. Both are the expression of the same soul-distant, not soul-complemented vibration. The impossibility of escaping a black hole is the same inability of people to free themselves from…

  • State, art, science, they must become like the peasant, must become like the hunter-gatherer

    It is no wonder that Stefan Zweig, the artist, the psychologist, the bon vivant, the Viennese, loses his temper when Tolstoy, one of the great artists and connoisseurs of human nature of his time, concludes that everything valid today should be completely discarded. Art, science, the state, money. And that man’s salvation on his own…

  • Donut economy + soul knowledge

    It is not enough to introduce a system only to ensure *survival*. In which public spirit exists only to ensure the *survival* of the individual being. Common sense must necessarily have its basis in the knowledge of unity in eternity and infinity. Materialism cannot achieve a complete transformation. If this transformation also includes freedom from…

  • Acting out of the meaning

    Before people can become active, they must free themselves from the idea of the necessity of activity. What does that mean? It means that only when they have overcome the fear of death and could die here and now, only then may they act. Because then they do not act out of fear, but out…

  • The light must be known to everyone

    A mantra, a sound, has freed me from the blackest night of my life. A sound 20 minutes long. Mind you, the sound. Not the word. It was able to free me because the path into the light was known to me and the place of light was often inhabited by me. So the sound…

  • If Stefan Zweig could have feeled Tolstoi

    Stefan Zweig, the one who feels so deeply. For whom his bond with people always seemed to be based on psychological knowledge, on analysis. He shot himself in 1941 in exile in Brazil. He felt too much. Too much of the world’s suffering of that time. No psychological analysis was involved in this depression of…

  • Brahmananda swarupa

    Return to me, Sun-bringer of my night. Brahmananda swarupa. And the light returned to me.

  • Not the gifts offered to them

    Capitalism washes people away from their roots. They no longer have a foothold in this universe of fear. So their hearts race, their breath flies. On this flight from fear into futility, there is no more giving for them. The eye only sees the battle, filled with terror. Larger than life. What is next to…

  • Moderation, pausing, circling, keeping the centre. Only through these qualities can anything flourish at all.

    Spreading and appropriating. That is the whole material game. What matter cannot unite, it overflows. That is the material. Including the so-called life. Uniting on itself and spreading out over space and time. The materialistic, consciously materialistic, human being just like that. Like a volcano spreading its ashes and lava. Like the floods, which bit…

  • And you will love to serve the healing of the world

    Significantly fewer women than men die of covid, I read in the news today. Even when the figures are adjusted for previous illnesses in men, this is statistically clear. Because women activate their immune system more quickly (to protect unborn life, it is assumed). Now we have to find out how this happens and we…

  • Personal gain gets people on their feet. So it says…

    Personal gain gets people on their feet. Or the threat of loss. It won’t work any other way, they say. If I let people live in a lonely, meaningless material environment, then I guess that’s true. What else would they have to strive for? Than for the nothing in nothing, which at least makes them…

  • The main thing is that he recognises this!

    It does not matter! No matter whether Sadhguru, the institutions of Thích Nhất Hạnh or, for example, the Coreschamanism of Michael Harner: the only thing that matters is that the human being recognises in what horrible desolation he is held by the determining, dominating half-men who plunge the world into fear and suffering. And that…

  • Only in – spiritual – poetry lies the true expression of the pure divine.

    Only in art. Only in – spiritual – poetry lies the true expression of the pure divine. They are the only unintentional thoughts, expressions of the cosmos. Completely pure and without earthly entanglement. Through the poet. Who is also cosmos. It is pure source. Clear and without any cloudiness. Hölderlin. He was right. Only spiritual…

  • In love and infinity

    The brother, when I defeat him, I’ll throw him on the mat, eyes twinkling with glee, In loving contest this may but be. And my gaze, laughing cheerfully in triumph, reaches out to him At the same time, my warm hand and immediately draws him to my brotherly bosom. Then he puts his arm around…

  • We are part of the cosmos. Our thoughts are part of the cosmos. So the cosmos thinks. Through „us“

  • It is imperative that those in control refrain from force

    You can do everything by force. Everybody knows that. When you’re in charge. Of course, only then. Every child here knows that. They gain experience early on. By primary school at the latest, they understand the concept. That is why it is imperative that those in control refrain from force. It is too seductive, as…

  • Better poor than full with us….

    Sometime – it’s been a while – around the turn of the year 2020/21, it must have been, I once met a woman. On a dog walk. Of course. She was walking behind us and my dogs didn’t go any further because they liked to wait for her and meet her dog. So she approached.…

  • Thus there is actually… nothing… for the materialist in his double thinking….

    The obvious problem with the perception of, for example, unity, love – divine perhaps even more so -, security in eternity and infinity, of infinite and eternal salvation, being saved, meaning etc. is of course 1.: This perception does not take place via the five senses. And 2. (better perhaps 1.1st, since one depends on…

  • Each one goes his own circles

    Each one goes his own circles. One’s circles are very, very small. It looks as if he is turning around himself. The other’s circles are huge. It looks as if he is going in a straight line. Big and small are not subject to any judgement as to better or worse.

  • With every „necessary“ act we narrow our consciousness step by step

    With every „necessary“ act we narrow our consciousness step by step. From the perception of eternity down to a space 10cm around the body (and less). Very very narrow it becomes. Very very tough and sticky. A black rubber bubble we are in. Nothing exists any more outside the problem to be overcome. In this…

  • And they believe that they still have humanity in them and that their thoughts and actions express this… And that everything is quite good this way for now….

    Society, politics, leans back and believes that we live in capitalism and at the same time in humanity. Everything would be fine and there would be no need for action. Everything is going quite well. Hypnotic conditioning. What is meant and said in relation to something like humanity are only commonplaces such as solidarity, respect,…

  • If the end justifies the means…

    Where no inner knowledge is at work, everything is within the realm of the permissible. This is the scope of „the end justifies the means„. In this state of consciousness, there are ultimately no limits to what is possible. Ethical or moral (man-made) principles may have to fall first in a tough struggle. If the…

  • He refuses change, the cycle

    Whose lungs only inhale and no longer release the air, Whose heart only fills the chambers and no longer empties them, Who only recognises the material, the finite and not his eternal soulfulness, he cannot live. He refuses change, the cycle.

  • Just a new fortress

    Corona did not prevent us from living in normality. We have not lived normal lives for centuries. The way we live in materialism, it is pure survival. Everything, really everything we do – the whole of society and its institutions – is born out of fear of death. We have been fighting for centuries at…

  • Children

    We must not prepare the children in schools for the struggle. We must let the children in the schools become whole and whole so that they can finally end the struggle in loving power.

  • Democracy and capitalism are mutually exclusive

    Democracy and capitalism are mutually exclusive. Democracy needs human, mature citizens who lovingly recognise each other in their differences. Capitalism needs soulless obedient machines that fight the other to gain power and see themselves as separate from everyone. Another example of doublethink hypnosis.

  • Everything must be considered in the cosmic context

    Everything must be considered in the cosmic context. Less has no sense. Where there is too much energy, the human being must provide spiritual peace. This is how the centre is created. In the world, in society, in the family, in one’s own body, in one’s own consciousness. On a cosmic level, thought is equal…

  • Everything we do, are and think is a mirror, a repetition of cosmic events. How could it be otherwise?

    Everything we think is. We cannot think anything that is outside the cosmos. Everything finds its counterpart in the cosmic. In the greater and in the lesser. Everything is a more or less of material movement and spiritual rest. There is nothing more. If we look at the cosmos, we recognise the human being. If…

  • Selfless giving

    Anyone who is already giving selflessly will never again want to fearfully grub for himself. He is in secure peace and only observes the dance of death of fear and loneliness from the outside. The play in futility and madness with dead things. He knows that the world is only a slaughterhouse when man thinks…

  • A hospital story

    I want to tell a little story. A story from early 2019, from before Corona. When not so many people were interested in how many people were dying every day. And under what circumstances. I experienced it myself. Not heard from the brother-in-law of my neighbour’s hairdresser’s cousin’s primary school sweetheart. Or something. But here’s…

  • Perhaps the climate crisis is a turning point

    Perhaps the climate crisis is a turning point. Man is no longer fighting against another. He fights together with everyone against himself. Against his materialistic self.

  • Life is made of earth

    Life is made of earth. It is the life of the earth and not the life on the earth. So everything we think, everything we feel and everything we do is grounded in the earth. The earth is not in the cosmos either. It is the earth of the cosmos. And so everything we do…

  • People fight every day. Without ceasing.

    Out of the tensions between the peoples, the danger of war and war has developed – first in parallel, then almost exclusively – a permanent, all-pervading state of war. Instead of peoples, companies now fight each other; instead of soldiers, workers and employees are entertained. As in medieval times, they share in the spoils of…

  • If we are all little princes, who is still the hard worker?

    150 years ago, the princes lived in a princely, egoistic and careless way at the expense of the workers and peasants. They drove state cars and dined exquisitely in their luxurious houses and city flats. Now we are all little princes! Hooray! Driving our fat state cars, dining on hand-cracked walnuts from Chile from the…

  • I have seen the future

    If I dream that I have hurt my finger while running by the lake and it is bleeding, and the next day my wife comes home with the dog and he has torn off his wolf’s claw while running by the lake and is bleeding and bleeding, if I have seen the future in my…

  • Situations are not always the same, even if it may seem so to the mind

    It is a fact that we can see the past in the other. It is a fact that we can see the future. It is a fact that we can feel what our neighbour is feeling. But most of the time we feel and we don’t know. So it’s all just coincidence and vague talk.…

  • From chance. He only lives from happy chance

    Faster and faster, faster and faster! Faster and faster I go. Faster and faster I reach. Faster and faster I stand. Faster and faster I sit. Routine, routine, how do you make me fast! I no longer consider anything! There is only my will! And the will wants! Walk, reach, stand, sit! Now! Space, time,…

  • What is „education“?

    The land on which we live is becoming increasingly overgrown. 4000 square metres of self-sufficient garden reclaimed by nature. In the middle of the city! Encircled by new housing developments that have encroached on the surrounding meadows and fields over the years. Only this island remained. 4000 square metres, whose owner defied the investors, refused…

  • Now we have robbed the earth of its soul, its motherliness

    We have conquered the earth. We have suppressed her. We didn’t let her make a sound. No quarter was given on our part. Our will be done. The will. The soulless one. The one who is afraid of the freedom of the other. The one who knows no trust and controls everything until it is…

  • We are a reflection of cosmic circumstances

    The universe is fractal. We are a reflection of cosmic circumstances, of cosmic events. We have to realise that this is so. And then we have to understand what this means. For us, for our destiny, for the substance of the world. For each individual who is so little individual.

  • Love is not an outer quality

    Every human being wants to live in love. Only this love is not an outer quality, but it is an inner part of us that has to be perceived. Those who do not perceive this part of themselves look for love on the outside in people and things. And is helpless, angry and desperate. He…

  • What is the sense?

    What is the sense. The sense is being. The grain of sand in the desert. That is. If it slides down into the dark dune valley, then it is guided. If it blows up to the sunny ridge, then it follows its destiny. A hundred years perhaps buried in the dark interior, only to shine…

  • No matter what man does…

    No matter what man does. Limiting egos, building cathedrals, digging trenches, hewing stones, forming views…. If he does it and does not have the complement of the soul in mind when forming things, then all that remains is nothing, which he simply mutilates by force into a new nothing.

  • Chris – A story in five Chapters

    1. Chris had filled up his tank. Now he was sitting in his car again and shivering. It was one of those windy and wet spring mornings that make people think more back to the rigid cold of winter than to the imminent reawakening of nature. The sky was clear with the light of the…

  • Voter market… Conquering target groups…. So openly… So openly it is already being said…

    Voter market… Conquering target groups…. So openly… So openly it is already being said… Anyone who thinks these words seriously and speaks them seriously is increasing the lies, the violence, the pain in this world. And he does not know it… Thinks he is pragmatic and clever. And he is. But he thinks pragmatism and…

  • To let grow

    To let something or someone grow requires, among many other things, sacrifice and trust in the other and in oneself. Qualities that are systematically eradicated in capitalist societies. How can real greatness emerge in this world?

  • Reflex

    Everything we do automatically, only out of reflex, prevents us from becoming whole. Because the reflex without consciousness is the survival instinct. It is the axe. The pre-emptive strike without looking at the whole and acting in an integrated way.

  • Nice, nice, niiiice! Says a part of me

    Nice, nice, niiiice! Says a part of me. Nice, nice, niiiice! Says the part of me that is connected to the eye, that is connected to hearing and seeing, to feeling and smelling, when looking at this beautiful sight: a half-timbered house, completely renovated, in excellent condition. In front of it, a pickup truck and…

  • Multiplying the pain

    Every uncontrolled external information strengthens the ego in consciousness. Every pain. Car designs (even lorry and now even caravan!) – aggressive, ready to leap, crouched and staring, restlessly angular and sharply cut, causing (conscious) headaches to the observer who is not yet jaded, do their great part. The media, in their own manner, do the…

  • The invisible torches that shine brighter than all the stars

    Probably we are not alone in the universe. Everywhere, like seeds scattered, vibrations called life are flourishing and budding, the flowering of the union of soul and matter. The redemption of the lonely universe…. Everywhere the soul light is kindled. The invisible torches that shine brighter than all the stars.

  • Three ways out of depression

    A depressed friend was in an artificial coma for a fortnight. Her depression was gone. Suddenly she had a zest for life. After a few months of being able to perceive pain through the five senses, everything was back to normal. The anaesthetic and painkiller laughing gas leads to relief from depression. The material perception,…

  • We all feel everything. The whole universe

    We all feel everything. The whole universe. In the stillness. In standing still and closing our eyes. We Are the universe. The universe is us. Not metaphorically. Quite real. In every moment. Only the consciousness, trapped in the lonely mind, that doesn’t know it, doesn’t recognise it, doesn’t feel it…. Has only the five senses……

  • Real joy

    One can only really enjoy the spiritual aspect of creation. It must be experienced with the soul’s sense. The gaze that sees only the external, the material, creates only separation and desire. Briefly subdued loneliness. Briefly subdued pain, which is then misunderstood as joy. Whoever believes that this is the joy of life will always…

  • If no one is allowed to rest with impunity, how can peace come into the world? If rest is only allowed as preparation for the next battle?

    If no one is allowed to rest with impunity, how can peace come into the world? If rest is only allowed as preparation for the next battle?

  • Practical and intersting

    „That’s – practical!“ „Why, that’s – interesting!“ How many things do we allow into our lives simply because our mind declares them to be „practical“, and in so doing remove ourselves again a little further from inner contact with the world? How many things let us drift completely into the external just because our mind…

  • There must always be those who hold.

    You don’t realise that not everyone can work and work all the time. There must be those who hold. Those who carry. Those who accept. Those who love. These must be encouraged, must be kept alive. Otherwise everything is doomed. For all work is an empty deed if it is done only for its own…

  • Floating Gender

    A conversation about non-binary gender assignment: no determination of male or female gender. Independent of biological, of material sex. And floating gender: fluid identification with the sexes. Alternating, fluid. Sometimes more male, sometimes more female. I didn’t know that at all. These terms. You hear about diversity more often now. And of the gender star…

  • But peace, one’s own peace, is above everything, isn’t it?

    Of course it’s nice to have something. But peace, one’s own peace, is above everything. To fight and struggle only to be able to have what is unnecessary, that is supreme madness, extreme misperception of circumstances…. And the system is built on this, important for survival. On this excessive need to have. And the insane…

  • Today’s man acts as if he would live forever

    Materialistic man limits his perception of life to the period from birth to death or until before death. He lacks the cosmic dimension of his existence. Since he only knows „life“ and represses the end, he acts as if he would live forever. As if his materialistic actions had any meaning. Which it does not…

  • Freedom and fear

    Bless the distant man and you give him freedom. For you yourself are free. Push him away mentally, pull him willingly and you bind him in suffocating weakness. For you yourself are the lonely fear.

  • If you can have trust, then you don’t need property.

    If you can have trust, then you don’t need property. Property is something for oneself and is jealously and tenaciously defended. You have it because you believe it will not be given to you. That’s how the world shapes itself….

  • We must voluntarily put ourselves in a state of need

    People grow together in adversity. We must voluntarily put ourselves in a state of need. Into a state of want. Then we have to trust and ask the neighbour. And if it is only for the leaf blower…. He who does not trust must own everything. He who does not trust must control everything and…

  • If there were no money. What would happen then?

    If there were no money. What would happen then? In the way people live together. They would have to pay more attention to each other, because their future depends on each other. There would be no fat bank account to look at and then say: „With this money, everyone can kiss my ass. I’ll do…

  • Protect yourself and give selflessly

    It is not wrong for states or communities of states to protect their borders, their exterior with material power and to give to the poor state. But they must allow the feminine to develop within themselves.And they must give selflessly to the poor state. Not for the sake of their own advantage. But this is…

  • Three seconds

    The sudden rain darkens the day. An encounter on the narrow path in the forest. I step aside and walk through the puddle. A fine smile under her dark hood. Turned inwards. Within, a thought of her own, a feeling of her own. A precious moment. The gaze covered, lowered to the earth. To be…

  • Lovelessness

    Children are already exposed to such lovelessness of the system in school through the performance principle and corresponding grading that it should not be surprising if many – successful in the loveless system – pass on this lovelessness to the world and to the people. Any – „oh woe!“ about it is either oblivious or…

  • All „understanding“…

    All „understanding“ serves only survival. If one is only concerned with understanding, then one is only concerned with survival.

  • That is the only way to save the world. The mothers must stand up

    The mothers must flood the system with their inner being! They are the ones who give birth to the world. They are the ones who bring new life into the world. Even the masculine! They must stand up and demand that their children learn love in school. That their children are not made into machines.…

  • The first thing children need to learn in school

    The first thing children need to learn in school is universal truths. Nothing that is different everywhere called morality, decency, good manners, or so on. If they let these universal truths blossom within them and then turn to mathematics and physics, what might these people do for creation!

  • The trauma

    Western man is traumatized. He received the trauma when he was deprived of the perception of his soulfulness and the soulfulness of the world. Everything that happens now builds on this trauma of desecration.

  • Wash my fur, but don’t get me wet. – A somewhat creepy story

    Initiation (double bind) Wash my fur. But… don’t get me wet! What if someone expected you to do that? What would it be like if someone stood in front of you, on a dark rainy night in a dark alley, and demanded exactly that from you? You would probably look at him strangely and perhaps…

  • Do you still remember the melody?

    Don’t look at me so dismissively. When I speak of the melody. Of the one. You heard it once, too. I’m sure of it. And then they started grinning when you told about it. And you felt uncomfortable. Later they shook their heads when you even hinted at her. You were embarrassed. And the more…

  • The opposite of materialism is not religiosity

    The opposite of materialism is not religiosity. It is wholeness. Wholeness is the opposite of separateness. We do not need a single God or Creator for it. Wholeness can be experienced by everyone. The result of this experience visible in everyone. The world healable. Humanity healable. Only the deciders, they are the most closed of…

  • Self-empowerment

    Rights have only the helpless creatures, like small children, infants e.g. All others have (divine!) duties. Only what do, if all feel as helpless creatures, who demand rights for themselves? Self-empower them again, so that they can fulfill their duties again.

  • Our unbreakable connection

    When we irreconcilably disagree, then it is worth being silent. But not the desperate silence of loneliness in incomprehension. The meeting on the level of unity, of love, beyond arguments and views: this beautiful silence must be it, because this silence lets us perceive the only significant thing: our inseparable inner connection beyond all earthly…

  • Being mature. Being an adult. Being male and female! Love.

    Build communities. Step back. Trust. Not everyone has to have everything. Share. Give. Give back. Not being petty. Not counting peas. Not being excessive. Keeping an eye on everything and everyone. Paying attention to balance. Be generous. Give and expect nothing. And still get. Being mature. Being an adult. Being male and female! Love.

  • Compromises

    There is no compromise on the inside. On the outside, there are compromises everywhere. Those who cannot compromise on the outside break themselves and many others. That is not what is meant.

  • Anyone can experience the Oneness

    Anyone can experience the Oneness. He only has to get out of the gear. The gear forces him to concentrate on his 5 senses, creates a permanent state of distress and threat in which man only perceives his lonely naked existence. There is no place for unity and security.

  • The external always becomes habitual and bland at some point

    The external always becomes habitual and bland at some point. That is the wear of the stimulus to the five senses. It doesn’t help to go to new places to new deeds to new stimuli… That is only the new beginning of new wasteland. There it helps only to return to the eternal inside. That…

  • It started when man began to walk, to search

    It started when man began to walk, to search. Because it became too crowded in his place or the food too scarce. Other animals, those with teeth or other survival tools, would have simply died out, but man with his mind could ensure his survival anywhere. That is why he is everywhere. And in most…

  • Don’t you just want to be happy?

    Don’t you just want to be happy? Just that? What’s stopping you? To be happy. Just like that. What’s stressing you out? Don’t say, „My wife!“ or „My husband!“ and laugh. That’s too easy. We have to look behind it. Why do people stress you out? Maybe because they are not happy either? Because they…

  • But man has advanced in his development as a living being, as a part of the world. He knows charity, he can act out of selfless motives

    The materialistic social order is based exclusively on the survival instinct, the struggle of the individual (person, group, state, race, religion, class, etc.) against the other. Man, however, has advanced in his development as a living being, as a part of the world. He knows charity, he can act out of selfless motives. He knows…

  • If you can love selflessly….

    This I say to everyone who calls himself a materialist, an atheist: If you can love selflessly, if you can make sacrifices to a stranger that bring you no advantage in anything, indeed, of which perhaps no one even learns, if you feel the pain of the other and wish nothing more ardently than that…

  • Every unifying word, every unifying thought….

    Everything flows toward the light, toward unity. That is the way. That is the goal. The earthly is separate. That is the human being. This is the present point on the path. Every unifying word, every unifying thought lets the being progress on the way to unity, to light. This is our task. This is…

  • Cosmic Egoism

    The egoism of the individual is splintered unity. The egoism of the unity includes everything and makes itself – and with it everything – the center. Since it is the One Whole, there is nothing, which it could harm with it. He who recognizes unity, his egoism relates to everything. Thus he serves the neighbor…

  • Thoughts are effective

    Thoughts are effective. Over distance. They are, like everything else, vibration, which influences other vibrations. If the thought seems to have its origin in the mind, this is wrong. The thought is consciousness. It consists of matter and soul and even the most painful thought, as earthly, solid, limited to the individual, separate and earth-heavy…

  • If I start from my right,…

    If I start from my right, then I consider my lack. When I go out from my duty, I contemplate my eternal fullness.

  • Wasp and man

    I stand at the window and see a wasp flying up and down in the blackberry bushes. It is the beginning of October. Until two weeks ago, hundreds of their kind were still feasting on the blossoms in a large ivy. What a hubbub and buzz it was! I often could hardly tear myself away…

  • How else are we going to make it? How else are we going to get it done if not through the unification of the feminine and the masculine?

    How else are we going to make it? How else are we going to get it done if not through the unification of the feminine and the masculine? Through a unification of the spiritual and the material. Through the recognition and perception of the unity of everything. Through an expansion of consciousness. The world is…

  • CLACK!(?)

    CLACK!(?) – – – „Clack“ it makes and you open your eyes. In this one moment of the „CLACK“ you have seen everything. Experienced everything. There is – the soul. There is – the sense. We – are all – saved. You know there is God (in all variations, as It, She, He can be…

  • The Enlightenment thinkers once wandered outside the gates of their city…

    The Enlightenment thinkers once wandered outside the gates of their city. Townspeople they were. They knew only their hand. They knew only stone upon stone. Shaped and layered by their hand. They knew only their own deed, born of their mind. More they did not know. But now they wandered once before the gates of…

  • The crane with the frogs

    The crane was called to the frogs. Quite officially and even officially. To a hearing, so to speak. And he complied with this summons – quite calmly and serenely – and met them of their five (frogs) at the very bottom of their old well. The five frogs sat with their muddy legs complacently in…

  • Oh you dear raspberry hedge, on a late day in September

    Oh you dear raspberry hedge, on a late day in September I feast on your late and all the sweeter, oh so wonderful fruits, the sun warming me on my skin. Here thoughts flow in peace and security. Here is only love and mutual give and take. Here is unity. Here the word forms between…

  • What makes the human being so „extraordinary“?

    What makes the human being so „extraordinary“? Is there anything at all, which could support this idea or is this thought only from the megalomania of an animal, which otherwise could not grant itself any right to exist? Yes, there is. There is something that makes us „extraordinary“. What makes us „special“ in our part…

  • Oh, you old raspberry hedge!

    Oh, you old raspberry hedge! How grateful I am to you! For months you have been giving me gifts! Every day new blushes of fruit come out of your shoots. For months. Every day You please me. And I gratefully accept. And I thank You for Your gifts with every plucking of Your fruits. There…

  • Spiritual realization

    Spiritual realization… You stand still and the universe takes a step to the left and then forward. And is completely new. The ground on which you walk has just come into existence. The sky above you did not exist a moment ago. The world. The world around you has changed. Completely. Nothing is the same…

  • I would like to take one step. Just one single step.

    I would like to take one step! Just one single step! Just one small step! How good it feels just thinking about it! The thought of this one small step! And there they all stand – uninvited, be added. And they look. They look at me eagerly. And they say to each other: „Now he…

  • The best for the good of all…

    „The best for the good of all…“ How do you achieve that? One achieves it through impartiality. Impartiality means no longer focusing on people’s differences. To stop focusing on the differences of people means to focus on that in which all people are equal. And that in which all people – and all plants, animals,…

  • Facing the separation

    If someone drives us away from himself, if someone leaves us no choice but to move away from him as far as possible, then this someone wants separation. If we now not only separate ourselves from him externally, but also internally, then the separation has won and there is again a little more darkness in…

  • Four days atlantic

    The sea showed me that the external, the beautiful, the possessions have no meaning. The sea showed me that there is only strength. Today the sea is away from me. It shows me that I have learned everything, that I can go.

  • What is the right doing?

    What is the right doing? Only the one action can be called right: The doing that does not serve yourself. But it is not the selfless doing that serves a particular group or person. It is the doing that serves everyone and everything. This action has the characteristic of looking to most people as if…

  • It only takes one donor

    Meaning. What makes me lose it? When there is no longer a donor. No selfless one. Also not the nature. The one stripped of its position as nourisher. The question of the future: Who will nourish me? Do I exist? Is there nothing left to keep me in love? Am I alone and without a…

  • What should only „happen“?

    I shrink from every path I encounter. Every one-sidedness is unbearable to me. I cannot approach it. Not in thinking and also not in acting. If „something“ – a way, perhaps – seems to open up, then I feel how I will lose the eternal and infinite in following this one „something“. It’s the loss…

  • The Young Werther came to me

    The Sorrows of Young Werther by Johann Wolfgang Goethe. The book was announced to me, and in a public bookcase in a small town on the Lower Rhine, it stood right in front of me a few days later. At eye level. Unmistakable. I had never read it before, but it came across me again…

  • In the shopping gallery

    I have to go through everything now. New shoes help against the pain of separation. Amazing. Too many people too much past each other. Too much focus on their own incidental. No common thought, no common perception except the separation. Look only at the outside. Evaluation. With the eye. No perception of oneness with the…

  • Freeing yourself from the external

    If you can free yourself from the external by conforming to it externally, then do so. Dress in a way that is comfortable for everyone. Have the right haircut. The main thing is that the outside does not distract you with worries from the inner information. Get rid of the judging influence in this way…

  • Acting divine

    If I’m standing in a kitchen and I want to sacrifice some of the food and I’m unable to take it outside, I put it in the trash. In the trash?!? Why not in the trash? Isn’t God everywhere? Even in what we name and evaluate as „garbage“? There is no difference between me and…

  • After the parting

    Now the time has come for me to remember. Remember the individual faces, the individual people I knew all there in our forest. Wistfulness comes. Why? Shiva was there. The destroyer was there. And again all structure, all security had to go. Again only trust in what is coming remains. Melancholy is the fear of…

  • Always do, never rest

    Do something. Do, do, do!!! Do not rest, rest, rest! He who rests is dead! Do something! To be part of the stream of doing. Be part of the community of doers. No matter what! Only do not rest! Walk, stand, look, do, do! Have hobbies. Have prejudices. Looking and judging – all day long.…

  • The eye generates the single things

    The eye generates the single things. The heart generates the desire from it. The illusions come into the world in this way.

  • You can’t force yourself

    You can’t force yourself to love people. When they – seemingly – get on my nerves, cross all boundaries and make my blood pulsate: One must KNOW it then. There is no trying and no striving. Only if one really knows about love, then healing can also happen in such situations. It is not enough…

  • Our ego wants to be carefree

    Our ego wants to be carefree, because then it could forget the day. Then it could also drift in eternity and infinity. Could be almost like soul. But it is always afraid of its death. So it creates itself day after day after day.

  • Not less…

    On the inside, being still is enough to heal the world. In the outside one must embrace the whole world for it. And it shall not be less with me….

  • Wouldn’t it be nice…

    Wouldn’t it be nice if mankind didn’t consist only of „consumers“, of consumers? Wouldn’t it be nice if people didn’t just see themselves as lonely biomachines, created without purpose, existing without meaning? If they would not only try in vain to count one and one together with their head and to break the same about…

  • Balance

    All my being is for balance. If everything is in motion and turmoil, then I go into silence. If all is stillness, then I shout and shake people. The balance in our body serves the balance of our consciousness. The balance of our consciousness serves the balance of our connection. The balance of our connection…

  • Friendship

    If friendship is limited to the individual, then it is part of the separation and the exterior. It is finite and exhaustible. If friendship arises from the inside, then it encompasses the One and thus everything and everyone and outlasts.

  • The emptiness is always the same

    The emptiness is always the same. Whether you have your eyes closed or open, you can always recognize the emptiness, because the emptiness is within yourself. Look inside yourself and you will experience everything.

  • Furniture

    No piece of furniture can keep you healthy. No piece of furniture can make you full. No piece of furniture can bring you clarity. No piece of furniture can make you realize the meaning of your existence. What is the point of all this hanging on all this furniture?

  • Why do people like to be discontented?

    Why do people like to be discontented? Discord is like a bowl in which he can rest. It is like a wall against which he can lean. It is like solid ground on which he can sit. Without worrying about falling further and further. Displeasure is position. Is the position that always goes, even if…

  • Action in meaning

    Acting involving one’s own earthly finiteness. Acting without pursuing a single personal „goal“ but to serve everything. That is action in meaning.

  • The Ignorantly Steeled

    After the fall of the GDR, we, my 18- and 19-year-old friends and I, had the fearful idea that thousands of young people steeped in dictatorship would now compete with us, the effeminate Westerners, on the job market. We didn’t realize how much capitalist materialism had already steeled us and that we were actually the…

  • To the successors in our forest house

    This place is a female hoard. Does not use its deep power for battles, that your manhood must beat outside – and wants to beat. On the contrary, take its gift with out and illuminate – heal – the world one piece. Give her hope that there is more than just dust. Bring its strength…

  • Thinking holds you captive

    The thinking, the thinking. Thinking holds you captive. Chains you worryingly to the unknown tomorrow. How to escape from it? How to regain clear-cut tranquility? Sit down and close your eyes. Let your thoughts race with worry. Take a deep breath and open the door that is in front of you. Step through it. Enter…

  • „What is the soul“, you want to know

    „What is the soul“, you want to know. If I could explain it simply, just say it so that everyone would understand, then there would be no more suffering in the world, I think. But I can’t. Nobody can. Before you see the soul as something unknown and incomprehensible in your existence, ask yourself first:…

  • Anaesthesia

    Fixing the bike on a summer day. Being absorbed in doing. Yesterday forgotten. Forget tomorrow. Be successful. Being in control. Now. Thinking about the beautiful clacking of the gear shift. It’s almost time. Perfect. Perfectly adjusted. Thinking about the next ride. With the perfect clack of the gearshift. Being busy. Lifetime under control with a…

  • In materialism, there is no confidence out of itself

    In materialism, there is no confidence out of itself. It exists only when the future can be seemingly predicted through planning and forecasting. In soul existence, confidence is omnipresent and permeates past, present and future as something one, something never separate. If this is all one, how could there not be confidence? Only when you…

  • That is the art

    The more we get on our 5 senses, the lonelier we become. The more we get on our 5 senses, the more we are brought into our materiality. Despite the fireworks, not experiencing the materiality and remaining in union, that is the art.

  • Everything has its right time

    Everything has its right time. If you do something and hit the right time, then it is as if you had done nothing else all your life. That’s how easily you master it. That’s how easy it is for you. I myself never WANTED very much. So pretty much everything came to me by itself.…

  • The most important thing in our lives is to acknowledge our mortality

    The most important thing in our lives is to acknowledge our mortality. If I am conscious of my mortality, then the purely earthly striving, as it is given to us by our mind, loses all meaning. Only the striving which carries a component of eternity and infinity in itself – like our death as well…

  • If you are firm in your soul knowledge and I am too, then there is nothing for both of us to say about it

    If you are firm in your soul knowledge and I am too, then there is nothing for both of us to say about it. No matter how different our inner knowledge – outwardly – may appear. If we would talk about it, then it would be only a mutual listing of facts, as they are…

  • The divine is in our heart

    „God has given us free will and everything depends on that for each individual. He can choose to worship God in the right way and thus live forever, or he can choose not to and not be resurrected,“ a woman who belongs to a very mission-oriented religious community once told me. She used to be…

  • Because I am secure in the love of You, there is no suffering for me in spite of pain

    Because I am secure in the love of You, there is no suffering for me in spite of pain.

  • „I don’t belong here?“

    „I don’t belong here?“ No one belongs anywhere but to himself. If he is with himself, then he belongs everywhere. iemand gehört woanders hin, als zu sich selbst. Ist er bei sich selbst, dann gehört er überall hin.

  • The spiritual bond

    Trust is the basis of all thoughts and deeds if the spiritual bond is present. If it is not present, then every action, every word, every look awakens nothing but mistrust. No matter how trustingly everything has been given from within. No amount of persuasion can change this. Only unconditional love can change this.

  • Life is activity interwoven with enlightenment

    The masculine is the blind activity, the reflex. The feminine is the dormant knowledge. Only together can life arise and be creative. Only in this way can God be known. Life is activity interwoven with enlightenment.

  • Every thought not made in love or not filled with love brings a little bit more darkness into this world

    Every thought not made in love or not filled with love brings a little bit more darkness into this world. We can’t always prevent it, but if we know it, then we can recognize it. If we recognize it, then we can change it. But we cannot change it in the head way. That would…

  • Man must first realise that he must dedicate himself to the divine in order to be able to live his life fully and experience meaning in the first place

    Much has already been said. Perhaps everything has already been said. Everyone who is looking for enlightenment can devote himself to Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism or the many other paths to God. Only, he must first realize the necessity of doing so for his life. Man must first realize that he must dedicate himself…

  • Get on your knees

    We actually kneel rather rarely. Maybe when we want to find out where the oil stain on our driveway comes from. Then we kneel down next to our car. Or when a euro has rolled under our kitchen cupboard. Then we also kneel down once and investigate the coin. The reference is usually rather worldly…

  • Gorilla men

    Many years ago – at the time when I still owned a television set – I saw a scientific program that dealt with the pitfalls of perception. Among other things, it showed a short film clip in which, in a fixed camera shot, ten basketball players could be seen standing together on a court and…

  • The old farmer

    One winter day, while walking in the woods, I passed an area of former forest, about an acre in size and „harvested“ last year, that was close to our house. Nothing reminded me anymore of the beautiful, fairy-tale-like leafy walkway that the bushes and shrubs, heavy with snow, had formed with their branches along this…

  • Patience

    And so the stories are strung together in which I was humbly allowed to learn from the simple and so clear people, without them knowing that they were my teachers. And so often I was inwardly ashamed of my imperfection and secretly and unspokenly hoped that their secrets could be shared with me. Thomas just…

  • Mouthpieces of the gods

    One day I was standing in the garden in front of our house, looking at the wall of the house and thinking to myself how I could paint the base of the building, the paint of which was peeling a little here and there. It must have been a day in spring. The time when…

  • The Irmas of this world

    I was once invited to a multi-day event of a herbal college, which was also dedicated to the care of the spiritual aspects of life. I had a whole day with the participants and so we also got into conversation during the breaks. We talked about various things and I got a small superficial impression…

  • Introduction

    I don’t generally talk about myself much, but it seems important to lay out my path as a sketch at this point. Since it seems important, I do it: Ten years ago, a call came to me. A call that changed my life. I am tempted to say that it changed my life „fundamentally“. People…

  • What is wrong with our world?

    What is wrong with us humans? What is wrong with our world? With us humans? Why can we let our world drive into the abyss with such a clear eye? How can it be that we humans will knowingly leave our children a life in hell? Knowingly. For everyone to see and experience. At the…

  • Perhaps many unconsciously hope for disaster.

    They know instinctively that the old must go. And know that this old will keep itself alive with inexhaustible power, so that no human being has the power to change anything about it. Only the final catastrophe can bring them deliverance from madness….


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Pain must never be allowed to guide us. Our actions grow out of the fearless knowledge of our security in the meaning, of our soulfulness and of the eternal unity of everything. We always act in love for everything and everyone. There is no inner separation. Pain alone must never guide us.

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