Suchergebnisse für: „male and female“

  • Being mature. Being an adult. Being male and female! Love.

    Build communities. Step back. Trust. Not everyone has to have everything. Share. Give. Give back. Not being petty. Not counting peas. Not being excessive. Keeping an eye on everything and everyone. Paying attention to balance. Be generous. Give and expect nothing. And still get. Being mature. Being an adult. Being male and female! Love.

  • The eternally knowing gives birth to the world, sustains life and the acting acts without self-interest in joy and love and without fear of death

    Of course, the feminine is exploited. That is its quality. It rests, it carries and it nourishes the infant at its breast. The infant who is the only one allowed to be selfish. The only one who is only allowed to take, because he is still too weak in the world. The conclusion drawn from…

  • A long, very inspired – and unanswered – email to our federal MPs

    Sometimes other perspectives can lead to completely new insights. Perhaps I can offer some of you such a new perspective on our society…. My writing programme says about my following text: 8.5 hours editing time and about 18 minutes reading time. Perhaps you will give it a chance today or in the next few days.…

  • And without the long-suffering…

    The dog, the wife, the man in the Third World, the pauper, the worker, the citizen, …the man in materialism…. They all have their master over them. They all have the masculine above them. And this masculine says: „You have it nice and warm and safe and full. Why? Because I’m out here busting my…

  • Man and woman – Ideal and todays reality

    The outer protects the inner. The (more) material protects the (more) spiritual. The core unit in the scale of the human being is the family. The woman (the more female determined consciousness) connects and carries the children and the man with her spiritual power. The man (the more masculine determined consciousness) protects the woman from…

  • Floating Gender

    A conversation about non-binary gender assignment: no determination of male or female gender. Independent of biological, of material sex. And floating gender: fluid identification with the sexes. Alternating, fluid. Sometimes more male, sometimes more female. I didn’t know that at all. These terms. You hear about diversity more often now. And of the gender star…

  • Valerie Solanas SCUM Manifesto

    Now here and now another text falls into my hands. It is the SCUM Manifesto by Valerie Solanas. What can I say about the author? She became known as the assassin of Andy Warhol, whom she had critically injured with three shots. She spent her sentence in a prison for the criminally insane… She is…

  • The body alone does not determine gender

    The spiritual is called the feminine because the female body, the female state of body consciousness, vibrates far in the spiritual and less in the material realm. Therefore, the female body is receptive and nurturing. The female body consciousness knows about the resting of the soul and the oneness of all. The material is born…

  • What is to be done?

    A truly enlightened society would not afford to renounce its spiritual knowledge in its growth. It would not be content with its halfness. With a condition which lets it drive into the abyss with seeing eye. It would recognize this danger and counteract it. But our society no longer sees. It is blind to the…

  • To the successors in our forest house

    This place is a female hoard. Does not use its deep power for battles, that your manhood must beat outside – and wants to beat. On the contrary, take its gift with out and illuminate – heal – the world one piece. Give her hope that there is more than just dust. Bring its strength…

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