
The straight line drawn by a careful hand or the subatomic swinging, the circling of the heavenly bodies…. There is no difference

The order is laid out in the universe itself. In the lines, in the circles, in the spheres.

And very deep in the subatomic realms. Rock solid and unchangeable.

So man does not have to order the universe. From the outside. On the contrary. His order, the order of his material mind, is simply a manifestation of the material order that is everywhere. The straight line drawn by a careful hand or the subatomic swinging, the circling of the heavenly bodies…. There is no difference. Man in his material being is therefore part of the cosmic material order. He does not create it. He follows it.

Only by acting with soul does he free himself from his function conditioned by matter. Only animate action allows him to go beyond his existence as a thing and to perceive greater connections and develop greater, further activities.

The unemancipated mind sees this and is disgusted by these chaotic, absolutely non-linear approaches…. It wants to draw straight lines and believe that these come out of itself and that it adds something to the order of the world.

Pain must never be allowed to guide us. Our actions grow out of the fearless knowledge of our security in the meaning, of our soulfulness and of the eternal unity of everything. We always act in love for everything and everyone. There is no inner separation. Pain alone must never guide us.

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