Beyond the words. Beyond the thoughts… Yes. That’s the way to put it…
In 2008 I had a very strange experience. You could call it a spiritual awakening. Or a spiritual reawakening.
My view of the world changed completely within a single moment.
„Learn. And wait.“ That was what I was supposed to do. I didn’t know then how long I was supposed to learn and wait. But I knew it was true. That this „instruction“ came from a source I could not ignore.
So I learned. And waited. And wrote down everything that happened to me and everything I learned.
Now the waiting seems to be over. That which I have experienced shall now find its way into the world. In these confusing times. These times of helplessness.
The menu of this website is simple. The final conclusion – that’s what I call it – can be found under Why does the world look the way it does? – The End. It represents the final realisation that has come to me. Reading – and experiencing – this may already be enough.
If you want to know more – from me – then read the introduction. It is a little long. Longer than a Facebook post in any case. And it stretches – you’ll notice – over many years of my life.
If you want to follow my path through the last 15 years, then start with The Beginning – 2009. From there you can click and read through page after page of my development. There are many pages. Much of it is beautiful. But much of it is also not so beautiful. Those who feel our scourge, capitalist materialism, so clearly within themselves must also express this in all its clarity. Express it for all those people who cannot do it themselves.
There is also the menu item The Pendulum. There you will find a representation of our „being“ as I experienced it at that time. Many articles refer to this pendulum.
The texts represent my personal inner development over the last 15 years. I offer them to everyone. As a gift. And I hope that everyone will find themselves somewhere along the way. They can take something with them that enriches or enlightens them.
Not everything is for everyone. But it can’t be. Everyone is at a different point in their development and what seems true or untrue to us depends on that alone. If a text doesn’t appeal to you at the moment, then just click on. Something will come up again that will resonate with you. There is a search function. Use it to search for specific keywords. Try „love“ or „chivalry“ or „male and female„. Or try searching for „raspberry„. You might be surprised at what is suggested to you.
Below are the most recent texts of mine and some that I have „pinned“ on this first page because I think they are particularly interesting for the reader. But there are a lot of them. Browse through what has been brought to me. And if you have laughed with me and cried with me and got upset at what grandiose nonsense I have written, then go to this man. Sadhguru. He will take the next step with you. Millions have already taken it. And the more people take this step, the greater the probability that we can still save our world.

I wish you much joy and much new knowledge. Come through this time well. Grow. Become strong.

  • The pain and the love

    Why do I write so much about pain and so little about love? Love is. It is in our soul aspect. The soul is at rest. It does not act. It is waiting for us to discover it. Love is there. It is waiting for us to discover it. It is all that is and…

  • Where then is „God“?

    Where, then, is God? The big question. We have pure matter as an expression of maximum separation on one side and pure soul as an expression of maximum unity on the other. Maximum separation as an expression of maximum pain of loneliness, of fear, anger and hatred is what is called „The Evil“. Is then…

  • Man. Caught in the survival instinct

    The survival instinct, which can never stop working, leads man into a perpetual struggle. It leads the human being into a state, in which this must destroy always and always, because everything must be hostile. Why should the weapon of the survival instinct – the mind – otherwise be permanently in operation, if not because…

  • Man, dog, deer

    An animal that cannot stop tearing we call rabid. An animal that can’t stop running away, we call panicky. They are lost in their fear. A person who cannot stop using his mind and acting, we call a person who does it right…. Man loves the dog because the dog shows him how the world…

  • Active love

    If violence in the world is to be truly overcome, then man must overcome his fears to some extent. He must grow beyond it and leave his fearful mind, the tool of the survival instinct, to a large extent behind him. In the end, it is the much quoted and much ridiculed active love that…

  • Smelling

    A cool sunny morning in April. The moisture from the night’s rain is still in the air. The wind blows fresh from the west. The sky blue. Only a stray gray cloud, spanning the horizon yet so lonely, covers the sun in rapid succession. A cloud as large as a battleship, whose outline I contemplate…

  • The window to the soul

    „The eyes are the windows to the soul,“ says an old proverb. The eyes provide information about the degree to which the mind dominates the person. Do the eyes stare or are they still and empty? Does the scalpel sharp, restless and hard look of the mind govern or does the look want nothing, focus…

  • The so fearful and mortal creator

    The tearing teeth and the fast fleeing legs serve only one purpose: To provide temporal duration for the own existence and that of the descendants. So it is with the animals and so it was also once with the people. With the difference that the human being had no strong teeth or nimble legs as…

  • Our mind does not set us apart – on the contrary

    The mind is a tool to support the survival instinct. There is no difference between it and a sharp-clawed tiger’s paw, a gazelle’s leg muscles, or a shark’s teeth. Therefore, the mind must be considered and treated exactly as such: As a tool, to be used in emergency situations, in which it enables us to…

  • The strong ones

    The desire for power is based on fear – ultimately, of course, on the pain of being separate. On the fear of being alone. Better said: To be alone against all. To be isolated from the rest of creation. The mind tries to produce with its methods the unity longingly looked for by it, by…


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Pain must never be allowed to guide us. Our actions grow out of the fearless knowledge of our security in the meaning, of our soulfulness and of the eternal unity of everything. We always act in love for everything and everyone. There is no inner separation. Pain alone must never guide us.

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