Kategorie: Uncategorized

  • Life is increased material vibration

    Life is increased material vibration. It is movement and expansion. While the stone is patient and surrendering – more soulful – man with his intellectual and physical abilities is at present the pinnacle of the expression of materiality. The button on this pinnacle of materiality is his uncontrollable fear of death, which makes him feel…

  • We humans are the interface to the soul force

    Whether suns are born, planets are formed, trees grow, the grain of sand slides down the slope, man builds and ignites the atomic rocket: everything is born from the first vibration and goes its way through space and time, as space and time with unchanging necessity. We are stardust, we are earth, we are matter…

  • Everything is vibration

    Man is an expression of the cosmic vibration. Just like everything else that exists. Just like the earth, the sun, the planets, like everything. He is vibrating, moving earth. Everything he does is cosmic vibration. His every thought is it. There is nothing but it. The vibration is very material right now. Vibrates little in…

  • I have seen the future

    If I dream that I have hurt my finger while running by the lake and it is bleeding, and the next day my wife comes home with the dog and he has torn off his wolf’s claw while running by the lake and is bleeding and bleeding, if I have seen the future in my…

  • Material hunger has been satisfied among us. Now materialistic humanity suffers from a spiritual hunger. Only it does not know it.

    The enslaved masses now produce for themselves. That is the trick. Everyone can now be materially satisfied and the rich are no longer afraid. Slaves they still are. And after the denial of the soul, also only machines. The social question of people’s equal participation in things appears to us as somehow solved. Now it…

  • Dying processes

    This whole denaturalisation of human beings through microelectronics and other technology is, of course, a distance from life. It is a culmination of the dying process of humanity. Life is receding from the being of humanity. Beginning with sedentarisation and the introduction of „Mine!“, man left the Divine circuits and began to claim God status…

  • Wealth does not serve man – Earth is the only functioning system

    The capitalist-materialist market economy consists of production, acquisition, wear and tear, new production. In this system, the human being is exclusively a function, a factor. He is not the beneficiary or even the master of the system. On the contrary, the system does not serve him, but he keeps the system alive while it keeps…

  • Acceptance is one of the qualities of the feminine

    Acceptance is one of the qualities of the feminine, of the soul. It is always the acceptance of the masculine by the feminine that is at stake. It is about the acceptance of the different expressions of the pain of loneliness. Because nothing else is all materialistic, masculine thinking, meaning and acting. It is the…

  • Love and respect the feminine. Love and respect the masculine.

    Capitalism needs women to give birth to new factors of production. For the supply of believers. On the other hand, their vitality must not be wasted in the least. So they must be reintegrated into the labour process as quickly as possible. Every ounce of life energy must be in the service of the money…

  • Economics as a new natural science – that would be something.

    When, as a pupil – freshly in love – I was taught in biology class that love was only a cascade of chemical processes, I was deeply shocked. This is what children learn about the world, so that none of them would get lost in false ideas about love… The one-sided view. Of course, love…

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