Kategorie: Uncategorized

  • The seductive use of coercion

    The unvaccinated caregivers are looking for new jobs. This was not expected by the politicians. They thought they could blackmail these people with the threat of losing their jobs and make them compliant. Just threaten them enough and everything would go as planned. Nice and simple above all. Now they are backpedalling and saying that…

  • The virus is an expression of stronger material vibration

    The virus is an expression of stronger material vibration: It takes over the world. Invades the human being, uses him for its own purposes. Creates fear. And above all – and this is one with the virus – it creates separation between people. Personally in the lock down and internally through the millions of different…

  • Each one goes his own circles

    Each one goes his own circles. One’s circles are very, very small. It looks as if he is turning around himself. The other’s circles are huge. It looks as if he is going in a straight line. Big and small are not subject to any judgement as to better or worse.

  • With every „necessary“ act we narrow our consciousness step by step

    With every „necessary“ act we narrow our consciousness step by step. From the perception of eternity down to a space 10cm around the body (and less). Very very narrow it becomes. Very very tough and sticky. A black rubber bubble we are in. Nothing exists any more outside the problem to be overcome. In this…

  • Self-interest does not exist in the end

    The volcano does not cover whole areas with its ash and lava for itself. It does so out of its thinghood, out of its materiality and its laws. Capitalist materialism does not spread over the world spilling everything because of the self-interest of its protagonists. It does so out of its materiality, out of its…

  • And they believe that they still have humanity in them and that their thoughts and actions express this… And that everything is quite good this way for now….

    Society, politics, leans back and believes that we live in capitalism and at the same time in humanity. Everything would be fine and there would be no need for action. Everything is going quite well. Hypnotic conditioning. What is meant and said in relation to something like humanity are only commonplaces such as solidarity, respect,…

  • We are one country…

    President Steinmeier at Christmas: „We are one country.“ That’s all there is to materialism. What is that supposed to be enough for? Who is that supposed to move and to what?

  • If the end justifies the means…

    Where no inner knowledge is at work, everything is within the realm of the permissible. This is the scope of „the end justifies the means„. In this state of consciousness, there are ultimately no limits to what is possible. Ethical or moral (man-made) principles may have to fall first in a tough struggle. If the…

  • Stefan Zweig: The Compulsion

    The actors: War = capitalist materialism. Ferdinand = the lonely and weak, but active, masculine Paula = the irrepressible strong feminine, the dormant, betrayed by the weak masculine.

  • He refuses change, the cycle

    Whose lungs only inhale and no longer release the air, Whose heart only fills the chambers and no longer empties them, Who only recognises the material, the finite and not his eternal soulfulness, he cannot live. He refuses change, the cycle.

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