The vibration travels across the lake
Still stands the phalanx of young birches on the distant shore of the resting lake. Their mirrored likeness she casts on its clear surface. Bright white trellises doubled in being and appearance. Similar, not the same. Standing on the edge, I stir the water with my hand. Vibration arises and calm comes into motion. The…
If you look at the – political – world map under the wonderful flowing of the clouds, then you no longer see a river. Then one sees only rigid territories, which must be defended with all means. You see people who are stuck on ideology, nation, race, religion. Who draw a line with red chalk…
What is mans determination?
The universe is consciousness. It is circling and swinging between the outermost poles. One follows the other in visible and invisible way. One connects with the other. Separates again. Transforms. That, where we are, originated from a certain interaction of certain states. It seems to be rare. A rare constellation. And this constellation produced something…
Big-Bang! Big Crunch! Big Bounce!… Where does this lead us?
Big Bang! Big Crunch! Big Bounce! Big Bang Theory, String Theory, M-Theory, Multiverse Theory, Quantum Loop Cosmology Theory! 14 billion years! 48 billion years! Event horizon! Inflation! Protons, neutrons! Strong nuclear force, weak nuclear force, gravity, electromagnetism! – – Where are we with such thoughts? Where do we come with it? What do we recognize…
We can only connect, resonate with the feminine. In ourselves and in our neighbor
We can only connect, resonate with the feminine. In ourselves and in our neighbor.
Selflessness – towards everyone. Without exception
If you want to become a martyr. If you want to sacrifice yourself for others. If you want to lay down your life to save the weak. Then this will only succeed if you love the perpetrators as much as the victims for whose sake you want to go. Only in this way will you…
Because the game is not filling
Today, it seems so easy for the mind to overcome its loneliness. The smartphone makes it possible. By picture, video or text always in contact with everyone else. Quite simply. The technology regulates the transmission. The ego should be happy now, because everything it believes to be true is united in this procedure. Unity through…
The Ego is always on the run
Without movement, human existence tends towards the soulish. It is pulled like on a rubber band and only the ego, the acting, prevents with its (counter-)movement that we are absorbed in the spiritual. At some point the power of the ego wears off and the (counter)movement becomes weaker. We then come closer and closer to…
We have much less fear than our mind would have us believe
Just as in fasting we can realize that it is not hunger that wants to drive us to eat, but our ego that demands the tasty sensations to confirm its existence, we can realize that it is the same with fear. If we listen only to our stomach during fasting, we will hear how little…
There is only one clearly true feeling
Then what is „feeling“? Can it always be determined whether we feel or not? Whether we are only subject to the imitation of feelings by our mind? A deception that he has designed to free himself from his pain. We can make it out clearly only with one feeling: The compassion. Only compassion in connection…