Kategorie: Uncategorized

  • Clack! And the light is on

    Clack! And the light is on. But it so bright and you close your eyes. Darkness again. But with every blink you see more. And even if you have closed your eyes and remain in the darkness: The light is definitely on. You can’t change that.

  • The „mutant“

    So that man could survive without teeth and fur, he got the mind. With this, he was able to nestle himself everywhere in the world. In order for this to work well and not end in the destruction of everything everywhere, he has also been given the spiritual knowledge of unity. So that he knows…

  • If we do not overcome the fear of death, then nothing wholesome can happen

    If we do not overcome the fear of death, then nothing wholesome can happen. In this world where death reigns, if we do not make peace with it and recognise it for what it is, then we must always struggle alone and apart, because everything in this material world is death. And it is a…

  • Nice, nice, niiiice! Says a part of me

    Nice, nice, niiiice! Says a part of me. Nice, nice, niiiice! Says the part of me that is connected to the eye, that is connected to hearing and seeing, to feeling and smelling, when looking at this beautiful sight: a half-timbered house, completely renovated, in excellent condition. In front of it, a pickup truck and…

  • The bought peace – Juli III

    Juli seems to be at peace. After an hour’s walk she can let go. Snuffles on the lonely meadow outside the university campus. Almost oblivious. No more incessant checking of the surroundings. No manic jumping over reactions. No compulsion to control and constantly alarm. Instead: Peace. And – seemingly – trust in the world. But…

  • Boredom?! – Juli II

    What is THAT now? I’m not feeling – boredom right now!? – When was the last time I felt that? It must have been a long time ago. More than a decade I would say…. And now it’s here. This desire to finally leave this „field“. To go somewhere. To see something. Dissatisfaction groping its…

  • Can the word be trusted?

    In the beginning was the word… Others say: In the beginning, there was the deed. – That makes no difference, because every word is at the same time an action. A mental action that precedes the thought or said word. With the creation of the world, matter came into being. Whether through God or the…

  • Multiplying the pain

    Every uncontrolled external information strengthens the ego in consciousness. Every pain. Car designs (even lorry and now even caravan!) – aggressive, ready to leap, crouched and staring, restlessly angular and sharply cut, causing (conscious) headaches to the observer who is not yet jaded, do their great part. The media, in their own manner, do the…

  • The invisible torches that shine brighter than all the stars

    Probably we are not alone in the universe. Everywhere, like seeds scattered, vibrations called life are flourishing and budding, the flowering of the union of soul and matter. The redemption of the lonely universe…. Everywhere the soul light is kindled. The invisible torches that shine brighter than all the stars.

  • Three ways out of depression

    A depressed friend was in an artificial coma for a fortnight. Her depression was gone. Suddenly she had a zest for life. After a few months of being able to perceive pain through the five senses, everything was back to normal. The anaesthetic and painkiller laughing gas leads to relief from depression. The material perception,…

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