Kategorie: Uncategorized

  • Are we free or just alone?

    People are free from the exercise of power by monarchs. They are free from the exercise of power by churches. They are free from the exercise of power by superstition and charlatanry. Thanks be to the Enlightenment! Freedom! Perhaps there was once a well-meaning monarch somewhere. The one under whom people could live in peace…

  • Love is not an outer quality

    Every human being wants to live in love. Only this love is not an outer quality, but it is an inner part of us that has to be perceived. Those who do not perceive this part of themselves look for love on the outside in people and things. And is helpless, angry and desperate. He…

  • Have we already been abandoned?

    We can’t put an animal in the hand of every random human being, we can’t let everyone become a politician, we can’t let everyone become a corporate leader or bank manager. We breed half-measures, pain-filled and little to no unity feeling people and let them loose on the world unchecked. Let them define the global…

  • That shall be all?

    We only „see“ the reflection of things (states?) that reflect or emit electromagnetic waves. Nothing more! Nothing… more… What is that? Who can believe that this can encompass the entire universe?

  • The fallacy of the billionaires

    It is the fallacy of the business billionaires that their worldly work is of any importance. Even the idea that it is of any importance, at least to them alone, is false. It is nothing. It is simply transformation of pain from one variety to the next. Mostly even accumulation of pain. Increasing the concentration…

  • What is the sense?

    What is the sense. The sense is being. The grain of sand in the desert. That is. If it slides down into the dark dune valley, then it is guided. If it blows up to the sunny ridge, then it follows its destiny. A hundred years perhaps buried in the dark interior, only to shine…

  • Excess and degeneration

    Ahrweiler, Afghanistan… just two current examples of failure. Oh yes! Corona crisis! Almost forgotten… Three examples then. Three examples of surprise at what is happening. What’s wrong with the correct „German“ (not only him. But him of all people.)? With the specialists, the experts, those who look closely and let their minds work to achieve…

  • No matter what man does…

    No matter what man does. Limiting egos, building cathedrals, digging trenches, hewing stones, forming views…. If he does it and does not have the complement of the soul in mind when forming things, then all that remains is nothing, which he simply mutilates by force into a new nothing.

  • The pleasure of eating and drinking

    Eating, drinking… All actions of our ego. Because necessary for life. Necessary for survival. The basis: the fear of death. But the pleasure?! Of food and drink. What about that? Those are completely different spheres. Far removed from the struggle with mortality. That’s what elevates us. This is culture! Preparing something and enjoying it creates…

  • Being free in eternal knowledge

    What most people mean and say, the judgements (hard or soft) they make, are based on thinking they have been taught. By people. By people who have also been taught their thinking. Also by people. On Zeitgeist. On such a basis no man can know himself and the truth. Only when he has freed himself…

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