
One out of five, when everything is top in our society…

News from the beginning of 3 February 2021:

Scientists at the University of Hamburg-Eppendorf have found out in a study that hyperactivity, behavioural problems and emotional problems are currently on the rise,“ says Reichen. The consequences of the pandemic can also be expressed in figures: Whereas previously an average of 18 percent of children had psychological problems, now the figure is 31 percent.

One in three children has depression or is hyperactive during the pandemic. Without the pandemic, it is one in five children… One in five…. When everything is normal. When everything is full, safe and prosperous. Then, when we couldn’t be better off. Where materialism and capitalism have made us all happy….
Or is it this other plague that does not allow children to become whole, confident, strong, knowing, happy and serene?
Well, one out of five, when everything is top in our society… that’s what they say on the part of politics, business and banks…

So the pandemic is responsible for only 2 out of 15 children.
The vast majority of 3 out of 15 children is due to the normal state of affairs in capitalist materialism. The horrible background noise of the destruction of children by a soulless environment. Apparently acceptable as long as 12 out of 15 children still halfway function… are not so „conspicuous“.

Pain must never be allowed to guide us. Our actions grow out of the fearless knowledge of our security in the meaning, of our soulfulness and of the eternal unity of everything. We always act in love for everything and everyone. There is no inner separation. Pain alone must never guide us.

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