
The Revelation of John

The Revelation of John probably does not belong in the New Testament. There I agree with the Syrian Orthodox Church. The prophet John, the deeply seeing one, has probably recognized the topic correctly in his vision. „Babel“, the earthly-material ego, cannot stand. It will have to go. In the death of the individual being and also in the last consequence for all being. The divine plan foresees the end of matter sometime. At the end. Of life. Of being. The details of John’s vision, however, spring from his suffering ego, his pain-filled material mind, which recognizes the possibility of ending its torment and its agony only in tormenting and destroying its tormentors by a punishment of God. This is separation in its purest form. Revenge and retribution. That is pain, fear, anger and hatred, accusation and death penalty….

– – but in reality the matter tortures itself. Inflicts the pain on itself, because it cannot do otherwise. Always. And not only on the last day. And not by a retributive punishment of God.

– – but is it not the plan of the Divine that everything is as it is? Isn’t it then „God“ after all, who unleashes the plagues and the tempter on mankind? Alone by the fact that he let the people come into being from matter? Doesn’t John then see correctly after all?

– – John sees the wrong motivation in the divine plan. A motivation that corresponds to an injured ego. But God does not punish the materialistic people. Matter „punishes“ itself by its own soul remoteness. And that its soul-remote existence is a punishment, it is not conscious at all. Is not conscious to the ego dominated consciousness.

– – But didn’t God create the plan?

– – yes. But God does not avenge. There is no thirst for revenge, because even the pain-producing action of matter is God’s will. How could he take revenge for his own work? He would take revenge on himself and would be then nevertheless also only other and then himself consuming pain-filled matter. The thought of revenge is the perception of John’s wounded and tormented ego. God redeems and saves matter in the end. He redeems the materially dominated consciousnesses in the end. This is the divine plan. The chastisement and torment do not spring from the thought of revenge. They are simply the opposite side to the security, the spiritual. God will not hold a cruel last judgment on the egos. It is their soul distance itself, from which they already suffer during their existence. And thereby also let others suffer. In the end, in death, in nirvana, he will redeem them all. The sulfur pool is not a place called hell. It is a state of consciousness that knows only matter….

– – –

That such a text acquires its meaning at a time when Christians themselves were persecuted and martyred and killed is understandable. In pain, the ego rules and hardly anyone is a saint who could overcome his ego in such circumstances. The survival instinct is strong. A vision that promises revenge and satisfaction for the agony suffered is then gladly accepted. The details of the apocalypse are earthly. Human. According to the tormented and terrified human being. The thirst for revenge and retribution through eternal torment are likewise. Death itself as the end of the earthly, the end itself, is the divine element of this vision.

If I read the revelation of John, then I recognize his pain in myself. After all, nothing has changed in the goings-on of material forces in this world, and anyone who reads my texts knows that my ego is also in this pain when my consciousness is too exposed to these machinations of egoism, lies and deceit, the pain that one hard ego inflicts on another. Feeling helpless – and angry – in the face of the suffering inflicted on each other. Institutionalized and socially sanctioned nowadays…. Only my desire is the redemption of the world and not the revenge on it… John seemed to be so in pain that he could no longer recognize the actual message of Jesus, the divine essence, in the original principles he had seen, and the passing away of the earthly and the existence of the eternal and infinite spiritual seemed to him like a boundless and excessively brutal retaliatory strike against the materialists, the soul deniers, the pain inflicters so far. A final annihilation blow, led completely rightly. The material shall not only perish. No it shall also suffer eternally for its misdeeds! …the interpretation of a wounded ego….

Of course, it is advantageous to have in one’s book of faith such a threatening scenario of annihilation besides all the „Do unto others as you would have them do unto you…“ and „Right cheek, left cheek…“. The existence of this revelation in the New Testament is based in the ego, because retribution is good for the ego. Then it does not have to wait for its death to end the pain. With the vision of retribution, the ego can mitigate its pain a little beforehand. It can already stand above in its imagination and see how the others – rightly, of course! – are tormented for eternity. And if it comes hard on hard, then one can put this retaliation also already in lifetimes itself into the act. Because if the boss has such an abysmal hatred against the others, then it is only legitimate, even almost obligatory, to take the destruction work already once and to go to him a little to the hand. For a better world, of course. Finally end – at the very end – with the for the ego so painful „What you do not want, what one does to you…“ and „Right cheek, left cheek…“.

Jesus also raged in anger in the temple against the merchants and changers. And he also asked in torment to let the cup of pain pass him by. For he was human. So John’s vision is human. But just as Jesus showed, in the end, after anger and fear, there must be something other than retribution and destruction. Namely love, devotion, and trust. Redemption through surrender to the divine power. John’s vision is an expression of our earthly, but not the standard by which our divine is guided.

As I said, the Revelation of John is controversial. Those who know how to use its content for themselves find it good. It legitimizes many things. Especially to feel better than others and to regard them from above – from the highest authority – as worthy of killing. It contains a lot of separation. It is pure pain. I keep it, as I said, with the Syrian Orthodox Church, which has not included this text in its New Testament.

In a nutshell:

A lot of ego: a lot of retribution.

Lots of soul: lots of „Do unto others as you would have them do unto you…“ and „Right cheek, left cheek…“

Pain must never be allowed to guide us. Our actions grow out of the fearless knowledge of our security in the meaning, of our soulfulness and of the eternal unity of everything. We always act in love for everything and everyone. There is no inner separation. Pain alone must never guide us.

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