Kategorie: Uncategorized
Crisis as opportunity? – Reflections on Corona in May 2020
Crisis as an opportunity… A profound crisis always offers an opportunity. An opportunity for a change in consciousness. Consciousness is like a scale. On one side is the perception of the five senses, the ego, the survival instinct and fear. Is the action. On the other scale is our soul perception, the knowledge of oneness,…
The best for the good of all…
„The best for the good of all…“ How do you achieve that? One achieves it through impartiality. Impartiality means no longer focusing on people’s differences. To stop focusing on the differences of people means to focus on that in which all people are equal. And that in which all people – and all plants, animals,…
We must all bless each other
I know that the inner power and knowledge are there. I know it! But now. But now it is as if there is a thick old dark worn dusty carpet over it, just covering the knowledge. Covering it with its perception of futility and despair. It is only this musty carpet which separates me today…
The 180 degree turn
The consciousness in the ego makes a 180 degree turn away from the „non-existent“ future in the present and always comes back to the present. Therefore, in this state, it is unable to consider itself in the context of infinity or eternity. So it perceives only itself and its existence. In the narrow frame, existence…
I always have someone telling me what to do
An interesting insight: Either someone tells me what to do or I act completely instinctively…. If there is no one to tell me what to do, then my actions are completely guided. So someone is always telling me what to do. One way or another.
The Ego, the Counterfeiter
The other day, someone drew my attention to a video of a shamanic energy healer. I watched it and suddenly I felt all the power, all the energy, all the sacred truth in this doing, all that I seemed to have forgotten. I was so full of power. Just because I saw him working, I…
Credit cards
Now I feel a little better. Why? France is a little less separated for me. I was able to increase my credit card limit. This has brought us closer together. A little less pain of separation. The ego, the ego ….how do we master it ….?!
The Nuremberg Trials
The Nuremberg Trials. Reading this is so sad. There was no point in hearing people lie or speak true and then killing them or putting them in a cell for life. Everyone should have cried together for the things that happened in that war. Cry and cry and cry. Instead, everyone tried to keep winning…
I want to go back to the forest! I want to go back to my dogs! I am so lonely. I can’t even talk to anyone here in France. It’s all completely foreign here. And now I’m supposed to go on! Who knows how long! Further and further away from what gives me security! That…
The loneliness is always the same
The loneliness of the individual is the same in all circumstances and all conditions. It is universal. It is absolute. It is the ice-cold lostness in an infinite cold and dead universe. The apparent degree of loneliness depends solely on the individual’s ability to distract himself. Ultimately, its name is the everlasting and underlying pain…