Kategorie: Uncategorized

  • Matter. In the end it will perish

    Materialism is the last thing to perish. Matter itself. At the very end it will perish. It is inherent in matter to be and to disappear. Nothing can be done about it, for it is the cosmic game. Then everything is secure in eternity and infinity. Man can leave this path. He can become whole…

  • The character type of the „guardian“ – Juli V

    Juli is ultimately what is needed in a pack of dogs. As one of several functions that ensure the existence of the pack. Her disposition is called „guardian“. By nature she is active, alert, restless, attentive, suspicious, full of her five senses, forward going, selfish, advantage seeking, survivalist, ready to attack. Without a real overview.…

  • Chris – A story in five Chapters

    1. Chris had filled up his tank. Now he was sitting in his car again and shivering. It was one of those windy and wet spring mornings that make people think more back to the rigid cold of winter than to the imminent reawakening of nature. The sky was clear with the light of the…

  • When the teachers have gone

    Having the knowledge available in consciousness and the ability to impart this knowledge to other consciousnesses are two different things. There are always only a few who can combine both. When they leave, there is often no one left who can match their capabilities. Thus, consciousnesses try to pass on the knowledge who are not…

  • Two ways – Juli IV

    Juli gnaws on her pillow. Tearing out strips of fabric with relish. I can go and take the pillow away from her. And I can go over and nudge her on the nose and say kindly: Juli, stop that. Both work. The first is the way of matter. The control, the separation, the mistrust. The…

  • Voter market… Conquering target groups…. So openly… So openly it is already being said…

    Voter market… Conquering target groups…. So openly… So openly it is already being said… Anyone who thinks these words seriously and speaks them seriously is increasing the lies, the violence, the pain in this world. And he does not know it… Thinks he is pragmatic and clever. And he is. But he thinks pragmatism and…

  • To let grow

    To let something or someone grow requires, among many other things, sacrifice and trust in the other and in oneself. Qualities that are systematically eradicated in capitalist societies. How can real greatness emerge in this world?

  • Reflex

    Everything we do automatically, only out of reflex, prevents us from becoming whole. Because the reflex without consciousness is the survival instinct. It is the axe. The pre-emptive strike without looking at the whole and acting in an integrated way.

  • People are not tired of democracy. They are tired of materialism

    People are not tired of democracy. They are tired of materialism. All consumer protection rights serve to let people consume happily. All human, personal and constitutional rights under materialism serve to keep people from getting stupid ideas. Serve to keep the blanket over pain from being lifted.

  • Technicisation has separated man from nature

    Technicisation has separated man from nature. Digitisation separates him from man and ultimately from himself. Die Digitalisierung trennt ihn vom Menschen selbst und letztlich auch von sich selbst.

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