Kategorie: Uncategorized

  • Situations are not always the same, even if it may seem so to the mind

    It is a fact that we can see the past in the other. It is a fact that we can see the future. It is a fact that we can feel what our neighbour is feeling. But most of the time we feel and we don’t know. So it’s all just coincidence and vague talk.…

  • Wholeness must run through the whole community. No one must not have experienced it.

    Rousseau also comes to the conclusion that man must live in small communities. But who then protects this human being from the external psychopaths who want to assimilate him? Who must not be is a troop of his own psychopaths. For these sooner or later turn inwards. And then they assimilate their own community. Because…

  • If you love everything in the world, all the love, all the strength automatically comes to you

    Man infects man with lust. He infects him with fear and anger and also with hatred. He infects him with his pain. He also infects him with compassion and spiritual knowledge. With love and security. Pain, fear, anger, hatred and lust always come from the outside, because they are the expression of the outside. Compassion,…

  • No genuflecting before the feminine. Before true knowledge

    In this society, only intelligence and action exist for people. In the group and in each one of them. The intelligence commands the deed. The deed feeds the intelligence and itself. Cold action without love. Only eating more than the others. No matter by what means. That is what counts. No genuflecting before the feminine.…

  • From chance. He only lives from happy chance

    Faster and faster, faster and faster! Faster and faster I go. Faster and faster I reach. Faster and faster I stand. Faster and faster I sit. Routine, routine, how do you make me fast! I no longer consider anything! There is only my will! And the will wants! Walk, reach, stand, sit! Now! Space, time,…

  • What is „education“?

    The land on which we live is becoming increasingly overgrown. 4000 square metres of self-sufficient garden reclaimed by nature. In the middle of the city! Encircled by new housing developments that have encroached on the surrounding meadows and fields over the years. Only this island remained. 4000 square metres, whose owner defied the investors, refused…

  • Now we have robbed the earth of its soul, its motherliness

    We have conquered the earth. We have suppressed her. We didn’t let her make a sound. No quarter was given on our part. Our will be done. The will. The soulless one. The one who is afraid of the freedom of the other. The one who knows no trust and controls everything until it is…

  • We are a reflection of cosmic circumstances

    The universe is fractal. We are a reflection of cosmic circumstances, of cosmic events. We have to realise that this is so. And then we have to understand what this means. For us, for our destiny, for the substance of the world. For each individual who is so little individual.

  • Learning to love. Learning to forgive

    Learning to love. Learning to forgive. The schools will have to take over this teaching for the first time – for 100 years. The families no longer know anything about it. They have long been taught only materialism and then capitalism. You learn neither to love nor to forgive. Who wants to blame the poor…

  • Of course we must judge

    Of course we must judge and evaluate. Life requires this. But to permanently over-judge instead of dwelling on what unites and affirms us all. At the light in us and the other. But in a world of fear, nothing unites us. And we feel compelled to judge one danger after another. The world must change…

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