Kategorie: Uncategorized

  • The mad helmsmen and captains…. they have to be identified

    The successful psychopath is adaptable. In democracies, this leads to him being supported by the people as long as they take advantage of his actions. Destruction of people and nature in faraway countries, disproportionate judgements in cases that do not concern oneself, a little state restriction of freedom for the sake of security and more…

  • Reasons for the current fatalism

    The helplessness and immobility of people in the face of climate catastrophe, the fatalism that nothing can be changed now anyway, are an expression of the hidden death wish in materialism. The wish that this meaningless existence will soon be over. And the thought that if I can no longer do anything for my survival,…

  • A flowing good and balanced story

    The human being, like everything, is an expression of vibrations. These vibrations are infinite in number and infinitely interwoven. The programme runs like word after word in a radio programme. These vibrations can repeat themselves in a quasi-circular fashion. 7 o’clock alarm clock, brushing teeth for 4 minutes, left arm resting on the sink. Then…

  • Liberation only exists when all people are liberated from fear. We have to work towards that.

  • All is well

    When the mother tells the injured child „all is well“, this is not out of ignorance of the situation. On the contrary. It comes from the inner knowledge that on another level the person is invulnerable and already saved, healed.

  • Thankful to the life

    On a hike I am grateful for every raspberry that is given to me and satisfies my hunger. We can be just as grateful when we go shopping in Aldi or Rewe. And not thankful to Messrs Rewe or Aldi, but thankful to the life that nourishes us so selflessly.

  • When you have experienced something, then you have to decide how to deal with it

    „Above the dam we used to change the oil back in the 1950s. We simply let the old oil run into the ground. No one thought at the time that it might contaminate the groundwater“ the old man told me. Shaking his head at his own stupidity. „So soon after the war, people thought of…

  • As long as everything is full and safe, there is no reason for people to change

    As long as everything is full and safe, there is no reason for people to change. But full and safe is about to change and man must now begin to change too. And this not hectically instinctively in fear and aggression, but consciously and in peace so that the transformation works for the benefit of…

  • Inner and outer perception are the same thing

    „ „Everything that is in consciousness has first been received through the senses,“ say the sensualists. They deny the view that all knowledge is already present in the human being, only that it cannot be fully retrieved. But this – inner – knowledge can also be sensefully experienced: it is received through the soul sense.…

  • It is so important to be free of suffering.

    If I am in suffering, then I can neither experience the essential nor orient myself according to it. Strengthen the body, expand the consciousness from the mind to the soul. This is how freedom from suffering can succeed.

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