Kategorie: Uncategorized

  • The artificial hunger

    If man no longer has a physical hunger, capitalism must kindle in him a new, insatiable hunger in order to keep him in slavery. If in the past it was physical freedom, added to the lack of freedom of choice, that the slave lacked, now it is the freedom of his own cognition as a…

  • If there were no…

    f there were no – movement of – matter, there would be no time. If there were no – expansion of – matter, there would be no space. Space and time are phenomena, conditioned by matter. Beyond matter lies eternity and infinity.

  • Life is made of earth

    Life is made of earth. It is the life of the earth and not the life on the earth. So everything we think, everything we feel and everything we do is grounded in the earth. The earth is not in the cosmos either. It is the earth of the cosmos. And so everything we do…

  • Man as mercenary and prey to be conquered – He is not aware of the cause of his suffering

    At the end of the 19th century, 19 million people in Europe were constantly under arms. The rulers of the states spent one third to one half of the state revenues on their standing armies. The people were largely impoverished. In addition, early capitalism mercilessly exploited the workers to the hilt. There was compulsory military…

  • It is simple. It is so easy to change the way of people. They all have this path within them. And they want to go it, but they are prevented from doing so by force and treachery.

    small example to illustrate this: the posters on the main roads: Don’t drive too fast! Keep your distance! Don’t play with your mobile phone! Because otherwise: Off with the arm! Off with the head! On you or the other person! – What does it matter? The worry of death. An animal thought. Primitive. Half. Without…

  • Emperor and gladiator in one person

    Ruskin proves that wealth, in the current economic sense, means only power over people. He wrote this at the end of the 19th century, when there were many poor people and only a few rich ones. It was really unjust at that time. Tensions were high and the powder keg could explode at any time.…

  • Cold-blooded

    The person in rigidity is not in mental peace. His restlessness is just not visible. His pulse, his blood pressure, his body chemistry. He is almost soulless. Lonely and in deepest suffering. The cold-blooded man has soul knowledge. That is why he can act without fear of death. If he is conscious of knowledge, then…

  • More I

    If someone punches me in the jaw, then the materiality, the pain creates more I in me. My state of consciousness, my vibration changes. More suffering makes more I emerge.

  • People fight every day. Without ceasing.

    Out of the tensions between the peoples, the danger of war and war has developed – first in parallel, then almost exclusively – a permanent, all-pervading state of war. Instead of peoples, companies now fight each other; instead of soldiers, workers and employees are entertained. As in medieval times, they share in the spoils of…

  • If we are all little princes, who is still the hard worker?

    150 years ago, the princes lived in a princely, egoistic and careless way at the expense of the workers and peasants. They drove state cars and dined exquisitely in their luxurious houses and city flats. Now we are all little princes! Hooray! Driving our fat state cars, dining on hand-cracked walnuts from Chile from the…

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