Kategorie: Uncategorized

  • A common good state

    A common good state would override the capitalist system and increase intensive care beds. Pay more staff better. Then citizens would be free to vaccinate or not vaccinate. Just as citizens are allowed to ruin their health with impunity unstigmatised in the pursuit of money, or by taking permitted unhealthy substances. Or through dangerous unhealthy…

  • Being able to differentiate

    The materialist cannot distinguish spiritual charlatanry from true soulfulness and rejects both. He cannot distinguish the truly selfless, desiring inner unity from those who fearfully want only to separate and seek only outer, separated group unity.Both the selfless and the members of the other group are alien to him, so he rejects them both.

  • No psychologist or psychiatrist recognises that….

    People under capitalism are forced by a psychopath to participate in his delusion. They are trapped in common, exclusively destructive delusions by his power of suggestion and manipulative confusion, ultimately out of the inescapable situation in which simply the permanent state of suffering forces them to accept the delusion as true. No psychologist or psychiatrist…

  • So really better was quite a long time ago

    You can’t say it was better 30 years ago. It’s like trees growing on a dioxin dump. Perhaps they blossomed more or more beautifully 30 years ago than they do today, after another 30 years of poisoning their bodies. But their fruits were already deadly then, too. Or led to profound, pathological changes in the…

  • And they only want one thing: 1a goods. A perfect fit as ordered.

    The young people of today open their eyes and see capitalist materialism everywhere. It has such an easy time shaping them. After all, there has been no competing ideological model for over 30 years. Indoctrination is so automatic. After all, socialist materialism is an infinitely distant past. Not to mention world views that see the…

  • Grading

    No special grading regarding the „behaviour“ of the child. In the subject grades, the child’s „behaviour“ would already be included….. The statement makes it clear what is meant by „behaviour“. Whether it learns well. That is the only relevant behaviour for the child. Whether it learns well. Whether it is adapted in the lifeless material…

  • And we wont do it out of fear…

    Even in cosmic egoism, the all-encompassing act that follows the knowledge of oneness, it will be the case that we have to kill, consume, process and excrete again. As long as we have our animal body and thereby exist in the material, it will be so. But we will not do it to paint over…

  • Perhaps the climate crisis is a turning point

    Perhaps the climate crisis is a turning point. Man is no longer fighting against another. He fights together with everyone against himself. Against his materialistic self.

  • Teachers

    In the summer I urgently asked for a teacher to help me bring into life what I had experienced from my soul teacher. In the autumn Tolstoy and Ruskin came to me.

  • And now? And now!?

    8 hours, 5 days that are over. Finally the end of work, finally the weekend, finally out of the war. And then? Then free time. And now? Find something to do in your spare time. To pass the time. Until tomorrow, Monday. There’s no point… There’s no point in living…. Without life… War and killing…

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