Kategorie: Uncategorized

  • What happened? The usual.

    Tolstoy’s idea of adapting the degererated science, art and state of the egoistic privileged to the simple and common sense of the masses has been reversed. The masses have been deprived of common sense and now consider themselves partakers of privilege and accept the ruling way of science, art, the state, the egoistic capitalist world-view.…

  • Everyone is a victim and everyone is a perpetrator

    They say only politicians, journalists and psychopaths are on Twitter. says a minister of education in disgust. But it is her department that gives people this disease… And it speaks for itself that from the politicians‘ point of view it is always the others who are the psychopaths…. Everyone is a victim and everyone is…

  • Man can escape the vortex

    Materialism, capitalism, it is – cosmically seen – an enormous death vortex, it is an enormous black hole that will swallow up everything. Both are the same. Both are the expression of the same soul-distant, not soul-complemented vibration. The impossibility of escaping a black hole is the same inability of people to free themselves from…

  • It’s convenient. That’s why it’s done that way.

    Democracy, but there is no change. Why is that? What happens to parties that want to do something radically different (or climate protection groups, for example)? They are defamed to the extreme by those who have airtime and resources and put into extremist and radical corners. The moral compass of the citizens is manipulated in…

  • Staying in the knowledge

    Trump, Corona, now Putin… Everything is swinging into the material. Into expansion, into appropriation, into struggle, into annihilation. Remain in the light. Remain feminine. Remain free of fear. That is the only thing that can help. We must not let hate wash us away!

  • The sun, in our system the masculine, revolves around the galaxy

    The sun, in our system the masculine, revolves around the galaxy. This is its feminine, its spiritual. The black hole in the middle of the galaxy, it is the taking, the devouring, it is the masculine of the sun-black hole system. But inside it, perhaps it rests there. What is it orbiting around? What is…

  • State, art, science, they must become like the peasant, must become like the hunter-gatherer

    It is no wonder that Stefan Zweig, the artist, the psychologist, the bon vivant, the Viennese, loses his temper when Tolstoy, one of the great artists and connoisseurs of human nature of his time, concludes that everything valid today should be completely discarded. Art, science, the state, money. And that man’s salvation on his own…

  • The surprise of politicians at the radicalisation of many people in the Corona period

    Whoever is in suffering looks around and searches for a cause. And he sees a world in which everyone sees only his own advancement at the expense of others. Socially set up and accepted. Seen as the motor of social development (naturally ignoring the astonished question of where development should lead under such guidelines). Thus…

  • Donut economy + soul knowledge

    It is not enough to introduce a system only to ensure *survival*. In which public spirit exists only to ensure the *survival* of the individual being. Common sense must necessarily have its basis in the knowledge of unity in eternity and infinity. Materialism cannot achieve a complete transformation. If this transformation also includes freedom from…

  • Acting out of the meaning

    Before people can become active, they must free themselves from the idea of the necessity of activity. What does that mean? It means that only when they have overcome the fear of death and could die here and now, only then may they act. Because then they do not act out of fear, but out…

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