Kategorie: Uncategorized

  • The cosmos moved the cosmos

    The beech leaf moves in the moving water. My hand moved and made the water move. The plants I ate before supplied my body with the energy. The earth and the sun have supplied the plants with energy. The earth is supplied with energy from the sun. The sun got its energy from the cosmos.…

  • Summerhill – It has all been said long ago.

    A. S. Neill in Summerhill writes everything we need to know about our society. Everything is current and so frighteningly true. Still. After 70 to 100 years… It has all been said long ago.

  • What is important?

    Perhaps the immaterial connection, the one oscillation, the one pulse lies hidden behind the quanta…. Who knows. But if you live in this connection, the selflessness, the one vibration, then you live in joy and in peace. Who, I ask you, who wants more from life?

  • Oh, how can one think that all are single things.

    Part of the coast collapses into the sea. The sea has loosened it. The wind has moved the sea. The heat on the land has created the wind. The sun has warmed the earth. The cosmos has ignited the sun. Oh, how can one think that all are single things. Man he concretes the sliding…

  • Alita – The Prototype of Man in Materialism

    Alita – Battle Angle. The film: A brain in a technical machine is the human being. Only through merciless struggle does he reach his goal. His happiness: a life of partnership, luxury or revenge. In the satisfaction of his animalistic urges. That is the world view of materialism. Directly subtly transported into the viewer’s self-image….…

  • We are out of options…

    What are we supposed to do? What are we to do, I ask, if we cannot save ourselves in the old way? What are we to do if our salvation requires a change of consciousness, indeed first of all a development of consciousness? Take the children and finally enable them to develop as whole human…

  • He who goes on a journey to die does not come to the rose room.

    Of course he gets the cherry blossom room.

  • Oh, you givers!

    How am I supposed to get anywhere here? Here On this forest path? There they offer their fruits for free, The raspberries, a few blackberries, ah, And there they stand too, the nettle with its seed. They call for me to taste and So I accept the gifts. Taste. Each has a different one to…

  • When I left…

    There is no going back. Everything has gone. What lies before you is totally unknown…. That is dying. In dying you can become solid. Focused. Clear and calm. You can face the unknown. The inevitable. The night before the battle gives birth to heroes. Every day, every minute must be dying. Is dying. Just not…

  • Experiencing

    Whoever has experienced this sees in everything, in every person, every look, every call, every word, every slogan, every thing and every event only the energetic aspect and whether it is based on the determined survival instinct, the law of accumulating and overrunning matter, or the all-encompassing selflessness, the cosmic knowledge. Whether it is of…

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