Kategorie: Uncategorized

  • Goal orientation

    Goal orientated? The path is… the goal? And now? What does that mean? What does that mean? A goal is a point. An event. In time and space. In the future. One of – let’s understate it – gigaquadrillions of points or events that can manifest themselves in a chosen section of the future. Its…

  • Change

    We mourn the beautiful yesterday because everything there was the way we wanted it. We had everything under control. Today we have nothing under control. Everything resists us. Is against us. What is left for us to do? Walk in selflessness and live through the situation in peace….

  • New possibilities

    Only in change can our karma be dissolved. Only in new action, in new thinking, in new movement. The old loses its formative power. If we are then still so conscious that all thinking, acting and moving is done selflessly, then nothing new earthly accumulates. And we approach liberation. For many, change means crisis. But…

  • There is only one purpose.

    There is only one purpose. And that is to work powerfully in love, in union, in selflessness in this world. It is my purpose and everyone else’s. Those who do not know where they belong and what they are supposed to do in this world: here they have the answer. There is no other. Not…

  • Spirituality means…

    …to have one’s body and mind under control. Means to have the body biochemically under conscious control and thus to interrupt its compulsion to fear-driven reflex actions, its survival instinct, its material determinacy. If you control the body, you automatically control the mind. If body and mind no longer react automatically in egoistic survival fear,…

  • Being creative and strong

    Man needs challenges. He needs the confrontation with the unknown. He needs to measure himself against the environment. Must be centred. Must act. Now. In the one present moment where everything lies. This strengthens body and mind. Makes us creative and strong. But only without fear. Only without fear may we act. Powerfully centred in…

  • Turning point

    And there I am on this hiking trail. „Oh!“ is its name. And it is so lovingly designed for the children. They can learn so much about the animals, about nature. They can be right in the middle of it. Learn. And I’m on this hiking trail, so lovingly designed, and I have a lump…

  • Competition

    No one necessarily wants to race. But the cars have more and more horsepower.A tap on the accelerator accelerates so much more than 10 years ago. Even riding a bicycle with electric drive. And everyone goes along with it. It’s the habituation. Getting used to the speed and the acceleration. Everyone unconsciously tries to adjust…

  • Liberation

    Of course, one can say: „Life is great after all! Why should I liberate myself from it? I want to live on and on. For all I care, rebirth after rebirth.“ We are full and secure. But for our fullness and security, others have to suffer. Humanity is one organism. The earth is. And the…

  • Perhaps many unconsciously hope for disaster.

    They know instinctively that the old must go. And know that this old will keep itself alive with inexhaustible power, so that no human being has the power to change anything about it. Only the final catastrophe can bring them deliverance from madness….

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