Kategorie: Uncategorized

  • Collective blessings

    Sunday morning, 9:30 am. In a beautiful apartment building in a small town in the countryside. Just now I am sitting at my table and the world seems to me like a ball. Like a small ball of clay, the size of a ping-pong ball, which I look at from the outside. A fungus lives…

  • An order of chivalry is needed

    If one elevates the masculine to chivalry and the feminine to self-confident strength, what is to remain unattained for humanity? An order of chivalry is needed. Nationally and then worldwide. Men – people – who protect the feminine in themselves and in the world. Not by patronising and marginalising it, by exploiting it. No, by…

  • Those who perceive inwardly do not need to be controlled with „incentives“.

    „Wrong incentives“. It was said in an economic article. No one understands this any more. If we had created a society of truthfulness and all-encompassing knowledge, we would not need „incentives“ to move companies in a desired direction. Wouldn’t need prey to hold up to predators so they wouldn’t indiscriminately tear everything to pieces. Wouldn’t…

  • The main goal

    Action must never be for exclusively external purposes. The main goal must always be the increase of light in a person. Otherwise it is meaningless play-acting.

  • „No organic stuff will help. And no praying either!“

    „No organic stuff will help. And no praying either!“ these are Detlef’s concluding words regarding a pipe blockage present in our flat. Two points of a covert personal attack. It is the end of a lecture delivered with a lot of pressure (a pipe is a pipe!), whose subliminal, unspoken subtext was supposed to make…

  • It is a law of nature that man can limit his expansion. Can find the middle

    It is a law of nature. The volcano spews ash and lava until it runs out of energy. The supernova expands until its energy is spent. Human materialism expands until it has used up all its energy. – And man can generate energy from all things. – Until everything is used up. To the end…

  • The only multiplication in this world is through the feminine

    Money with its interest is pseudo-yield, is pseudo-multiplication. For it is only primitive taking away dead ashes from one place and adding to another place. The only multiplication in this world is through the feminine, for it adds new soulfulness to the world. This is the only growth that exists.

  • 100,000,000,000 euros for material activity. For violence. That can be all right.

    100,000,000,000 euros for material activity. For violence. That can be all right. Only, to balance this material weight requires a 100,000,000,000-fold change within. Towards the spiritual. Such a massive outer power must only be guided by an equally pronounced inner power. These means of the struggle for survival must be subject only to the fearless,…

  • It happens at the level of acceptance. Of the knowledge of oneness

    Our inner, spiritual, feminine eternal knowing asks our masculine material to turn away from the aggressors. Since it happens in conjunction of feminine and masculine, it happens in love and not in hate. It happens at the level of acceptance. Of the knowledge of oneness. It is turning away from the capitalist-materialist way of acting…

  • Morality arises from pure self-interest?

    If Mrs Rand thinks that morality arises from pure self-interest, then let her explain to me the existence of selflessness in the world. Ms Rand did not feel it. That is why she drew such fatal conclusions. And yet owes her existence only to her mother’s selflessness…. Pathological, isn’t it? And those who also do…

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