Kategorie: Uncategorized

  • 1.35 billion dollars. Mega jackpot in the American lottery. Cracked. Today. Not me. Some American „lucky idiot“.

    1.35 billion dollars. Mega jackpot in the American lottery. Cracked. Today. Not me. Some American „lucky idiot“. Mind game: Donate a billion. For spiritual development, the healing of humanity and the earth. $350,000,000 left over. How „left over“?! Left over for me? 350 million dollars? Remaining? Yesterday €120 in the account and today $350 million…

  • Different perceptions

    The realisation that there is no „I“, but only an amalgamation of vibration, leads in the ego, the material aspect – with inevitably incomplete realisation – to fear of death.In the soul part of our consciousness, it leads to a return to the original state of everything – oneness – and automatically expresses itself in…

  • Actually, there is nothing to discuss…

    There is nothing to discuss about the desired state of the world. Not for anyone who has even a little common sense. Man fear free and the surrounding environment in its natural best state…. And what do we have? The opposite. And why? Who shapes this world of fear and destruction? The fearful. The inwardly…

  • If I serve myself, then my life is wasted.

    If I serve the multiplication of love, of unity, then it is a life of purpose.

  • But don’t say: „No idea. That’s just the way things are. We could have it worse.“

    A walk through the summer city. The owner of the furnishing shop died in the daily war.The cautionary tale if you’re not smart, not tough enough in this society. Even ice cream is no longer in demand… Even ready-made rolls and cappuccino are no longer the surefire means of survival. And so everyone tries not…

  • Any activity that does not have humanity as its basis is the activity of a machine

    And should be done by machines. Man can then devote himself to his inner development and his work on creation.

  • That is our purpose

    What man calls meaning, the thought, is the expression of the ultimate state of the cosmos. It is the dormant peace. The dormant peace is our goal. But killing ourselves is not the dormant peace, because in our lives we can contribute much more to it. Killing others is not either. Every person to whom…

  • When man only sees the desert

    The door in the huge wall behind me is not visible to me. Outside I stand. All alone. Am only body. Feel every cell. Every pain. Am only lonely pain. Heavy I am with my body. So rigid it is. As heavy and rigid as my brain. My thinking. No one I want to see.…

  • Tech-thinking

    Since the digital revolution, we are highly exposed to tech thinkers. Through this influence, there is almost only tech-thinking for human beings. Tech-thinking means following the information fed into it. Inner experience is discriminated against because tech has no such experience. In this way of thinking, the human being is only tech. But the digital…

  • Surplus of life energy

    Money is transformed life energy. If you look at the things people spend money on, you realise that they have a lot of surplus life energy left to waste, that they don’t know where to go with this life energy of their own and taken from others. And they could use it so creatively to…

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