Kategorie: Uncategorized

  • And it always started so well…

    So alone they were. So lonely. The cold world turned away from them. Fear spread. What remained? What remained was to turn to their mother. To their own inner being. To the soul. To their own femininity. To their own motherliness. To the being that always accepts them. No matter when and where and how.…

  • Never can talk connect us as we can so deliciously experience in silence.

    Never can talk connect us as we can so deliciously experience in silence. Enmeshment with our counterpart through the expression of opinion, view, statement, of agreement, disagreement, addition, extension of opinion, view, statement never leads to the experience of the real, the eternal connection of our beings. This entanglement is born exclusively from the fear…

  • Only man,… he needs it.

    If we reduce our humanity to existence as a maximum high performance survival machine, then most of us will eventually fall by the wayside, starved of soul. And those who dominate, the ultra-tough survival fighters who eradicate every weakness in order to be the strongest of the strong, yes, those… those are certainly not the…

  • Whom you follow

    He who follows unconditionally dissolves his personality. The only question is, does he follow an earthly person or thing – then he is a dead, biased puppet in fear – or does he follow Divine Guidance – then he is one with Eternity and the Infinite.

  • The Arctic Sea – from C. D. Friedrich

    In Caspar David Friedrich’s painting „The Arctic Sea“, the viewer stands on the edge of a land once covered with vegetation. His path leads out into the solidified, in which the ice-hard opinions, attitudes and world views burst out of the ice-cold and lifeless ground like lonely ice towers, like fortresses made of bulletproof glass,…

  • Without selflessness everything is calculation

    It looks as if they are doing good, as if they are interested. And they themselves believe that too. That’s why it seems so convincing at first glance. But the basis of their actions is founded in fear. That is why nothing really good comes out of it. Their good is embedded in hidden or…

  • Meditation

    Meditation is pure time. Is uncontaminated time. Is potential time that opens to infinity. For a potential of an infinite number of thoughts and deeds. Meditation is the pure state of time. Is eternity and infinity. Only through thought and through deed does finiteness, direction come into time. Meditation, pure time contains all the possibilities…

  • The spirit in dealing with „disabled“ people

    In Germany, citizens are classified by the authorities as healthy or disabled as young children. The healthy citizens then go to the so-called mainstream school and are chased there by parents and the state on their meteoric, straightforward and unstoppable path to the highest possible performance in their working lives. The people classified as disabled…

  • Man must continue to develop. Back development is not the way – Kurt Vonnegut in Galapagos

    Kurt Vonnegut in Galapagos sees the salvation of humanity in a regression to a seal-like existence. A life simple, short, determined and uncomplicated. Without the „Big brain“ that has thrown humans and the world into greatest suffering. He prefers to return to the completely animal state. As a humanist and atheist, the idea of leaving…

  • Fighting to win does not work

    Pushing back capitalist materialism, limiting it is important. So that it doesn’t spill everything. But that is only the means to educate. It is only the means to the one end: to make the soulful, the feminine grow again. Fighting to win does not work. Winning through the growth of the knowledge of oneness. That…

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