
Without a radical change of consciousness of the present capitalist states – in the direction of feminine, soulful, nurturing, accepting, surrendering…. sacrificing, giving themselves up – no trustful growing together in this world is possible

The psychopath is not credible, let alone trustworthy, to anyone who has experienced and seen through him without a mask. The capitalist states are not credible or trustworthy for anyone. Even if they were really ready, willing and able to have an integrated mother-father policy.

You can read it everywhere. In Tolstoy, Zweig, wherever: if the capitalist (who has wavered for a moment in his egoistic world view) comes and is selfless, everyone who has been at his mercy or is at his mercy backs away. They assume – usually rightly – that the capitalist only has a new method of mercilessly and trickily abusing them for his own benefit. The psychopath is like that. Everyone knows it. Everyone knows it inside.

Without a radical change of consciousness of the present capitalist states – in the direction of feminine, soulful, nurturing, accepting, surrendering…. sacrificing, giving themselves up – no trustful growing together in this world is possible. So there will always be – and with the increase and radicalisation of capitalism more and more – massive defensive resistance from those at the mercy of the psychopaths. On the inside, as opponents of the system who defend themselves against the capitalist machinisation of human beings. On the outside, as resisting terrorist organisations that do not want to be consumed by the machine-cold capitalism in its mercilessness and struggle for their survival. But even with these inner and outer opponents: among them there are also the egoists and their own psychopaths. The psychopath fights against everyone and for his survival. That is his world and he has created it that way. And so he will also destroy it. Because he cannot heal. Even if he wants to love, he cannot. It will always remain an abuse and completely uninhibited consumption. It always ends with the destruction of the other. For he can only take. To upkeep, to nurture, he would have to give selflessly. And that, as I said, he cannot do…. And the capitalists can screw around with Mother Earth as much as they want: as long as there is no love involved, but only the keeping of a carcass in working order out of self-interest, for further abuse, it will not succeed.

Pain must never be allowed to guide us. Our actions grow out of the fearless knowledge of our security in the meaning, of our soulfulness and of the eternal unity of everything. We always act in love for everything and everyone. There is no inner separation. Pain alone must never guide us.

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