
Where are the signs

In what our mind can seemingly explain, we no longer recognize any signs. Everyday life seems to lie clearly before us. We can only gain true knowledge in the so-called chaos. In the random. In the tarot cards, in the fire, in the I Ching sticks, in the coffee grounds etc. there the mind has lost its sovereignty of interpretation and discredits these states as chaotic or random. There the recognition is still possible for us over the sense of the soul. But we are no longer used to these perceptions and their processing. We are too glad to get our mind to help us – the mind which has made us a cripple of our perceptions in the first place – and it has nothing better to say than: „You don’t believe that yourself!“ The old suffering…

Pain must never be allowed to guide us. Our actions grow out of the fearless knowledge of our security in the meaning, of our soulfulness and of the eternal unity of everything. We always act in love for everything and everyone. There is no inner separation. Pain alone must never guide us.

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