If I say that everything comes out of yourself and you don’t need any instructions from outside, don’t I also divide the world into „you“ and the „others“? Where is the unity there?
When I say everything comes out of yourself, I mean everything comes out of your soul. The „other“ is external tam-tam, misguided jugglery of the mind. Since your soul is one with all other animate, so your soul is the unity. So you yourself are the unity. When I say you and the others, I mean the unity of the soul and the separateness of the material mind. But: Of course, even soul and matter are only apparently separate. They are both parts of the one creation. So they are – beyond our human to and fro, in which we try to orient ourselves so laboriously – on another level distant to us also one. If one has seen this level, then everything really dissolves. And the peace is perfect.