
Only know from own experience

Perhaps we should know less. But this little knowledge that we then have should be based on our own experience and also have a relevance for us. Then what we comprehend has a little more truthfulness and causes much less (maybe even no) confusion. By basing our knowledge on our own experience, we become more firmly rooted in the world. If 98% of our knowledge is books, (breakfast) TV, internet, school, and instruction manuals (whether technical, moral, social, or spiritual), then it has no substance. It cannot support us and makes us sway, like a tower of paper in the wind. On the Internet it can be seen how the mind leads its holy grail – knowledge – itself ad absurdum: On every topic (of the billions of topics) 10000 different opinions can be found there. Sometimes you read an opinion on a topic in a renowned Internet newspaper and the next day the exact opposite opinion can be found in the same newspaper. What value does an opinion have if it is so interchangeable? What truth can it have when there are tens of thousands of opinions on every subject? Is it only a means of differentiation to set one’s ego even further apart from the others? Whereas in the past one had to trust the opinion of the local expert (and that he was an expert at all) and one had only this one opinion to choose from and automatically valued it because only this expert owned and also read the corresponding book, today we no longer have to succumb to this deception. The Internet shows us: Anyone can now read any book. Anyone can become an expert in any field. Does anyone know something better than I do? I look it up and voila: I now have that knowledge, too. It can become clear to everyone: Knowledge means only access to so-called secondary sources. Whether from books, (breakfast) TV, internet, school or instruction manuals (whether technical, moral, social or spiritual) does not matter.

And from this pale secondary knowledge now everyone forms his opinion. What is valid then the thundering inquisitory question: „Do you have then ABSOLUTELY NO OPINION!??!!“ It becomes a laughing stock. One wants to say, „Google it and take the 75th result as my opinion. Or the 4763rd, if they absolutely have to elicit an opinion from me about something regarding which I have no experience of my own. Take your pick. There are enough of them. One is as inane as the other.“ Unless someone really has had a personal experience. And even then, caution is in order. How much did the mind factor in there? How many gorilla men has it made disappear? So I return to the beginning: perhaps we should know less (and thus mean it). But this little knowledge we have then should be based on our own experience and also have a relevance for us. Then what we comprehend has a little more truthfulness and causes much less (maybe even no) confusion. But don’t get me wrong: I don’t want to demonize the internet in my opinion above. I use it, too. I like to look at what the weather computers of various companies think about whether it will rain tomorrow (or in the next half hour) at my place or whether the sun will shine. Or I look at the opinions people have in classified ads about the value of certain items in their possession. I just don’t read news and magazine pages anymore. Neither do I use secondary sources such as radio, television, or printed newspapers. I understand my world much better as a result. This is how the world should be again for all people. Globalized again in mental perception – yes, universalized – and localized again in material perception. Only as far as the mind can grasp it and also personally control it. As far as it can lie in the world of experience of its five senses. No more entanglements created by minds anywhere in the world that leave the individual perplexed, despairing and at the mercy. In a state which man does not know any different meanwhile and therefore also still regards it as „God-given“ and unchangeable – even as normal.

There are studies (opinions) that men should not have prostate cancer examinations after a certain age. The certainty with the suffering of this diagnosis in connection with the consequences of the operations like among other things frequent incontinence and pain, do not outweigh it to live unknowingly a (perhaps) one, two years shorter happy life or also simply unknowingly to reach its natural end painlessly normally because of this illness. What good is knowledge if it means physical and emotional suffering for me? I think something of this opinion. Because my experience (so far) shows me that ignorance in the right place is healthy as a horse. People who insist that I must be informed, because otherwise nothing would matter, rely on secondary sources of opinion. That the Occident will perish, if I don’t know or consciously forget many things (also world-political), is a purely hypothetical opinion prognosticated into the future (how it stands with such prognoses into the future, that surely also everyone knows). A baseless prognosis, which is foisted on the people by opinion makers interested in this opinion – probably often for power reasons. Probably it changes soon once again.

Pain must never be allowed to guide us. Our actions grow out of the fearless knowledge of our security in the meaning, of our soulfulness and of the eternal unity of everything. We always act in love for everything and everyone. There is no inner separation. Pain alone must never guide us.

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