Mind and soul, this world and beyond, material five senses and soul sense, – – good and evil…. so much separation appears in these words…. – But: They are not separated. Or rather: They are not only separated. They are also one. They are both. If they are separate for what we call our mind, then only because they must appear so to it. Because the mind, its way of functioning and its word can only be that way and not otherwise. On the level of our soul it is all one. Only the soul has no thinking and it has no words. So it is with the words you have read here. Every word of this text contains separation. Each word separates something into one and the other. Every word gives a judgment. For the word is the creation of our mind and is thought and just written and read by it. Behind these words and behind the thoughts that formed these words – in the unspeakable and in the unthinkable – there is the union. This union is taken up by our soul. Without thinking and without naming. Completely unnoticed… and completely without our „doing“. Trust in it. Look for the center and trust in it.