
If we claim our lives too much, then we live in pain and fear

Too much possession leads to excessive fear. By too great a possession, we also mean our life. If we claim our lives too much, we live in pain and fear. Our life could be taken away from us. Our life could be ruined.

Fear diminishes when we realize that our life is not so much our possession. We can leave it to itself in many ways. Just as we could give up our other possessions and leave them to themselves. The less we insist on our possessions and think we have to control and preserve them, the more painless life will be for us.

Pain must never be allowed to guide us. Our actions grow out of the fearless knowledge of our security in the meaning, of our soulfulness and of the eternal unity of everything. We always act in love for everything and everyone. There is no inner separation. Pain alone must never guide us.

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