Kategorie: Uncategorized

  • A look, an act towards the other, without an occasion, given away, as it were, a harmonious attunement to the surrounding, on one’s own initiative….

    What is the relationship of many people in capitalist materialism to each other? Only when someone stands in their way, does not do what you want, does not give them what they are entitled to in your eyes…. Only then are they interested in that person. Only then. And only for that person. And only…

  • The mind is useless without a knowing hand

    Sadhguru says the mind is a sharp knife. Suitable for cutting, but destructive as a tool for sewing. Everything then gets cut up even more. I once said the mind is a blunt tool that makes man helplessly lose himself in separation. It is the same. The mind is useless without a knowing hand. Too…

  • When there is no one left to whom I can trustfully offer my loyalty for safety and food?

    Putin is just a victim, China is a role model, climate change is natural, Corona is fake. The vaccine just money-making. Maybe it is. Maybe not. These statements often go together. Voiced by people who are not in government and who don’t work in wind energy or biotech companies. From people who also feel victimised…

  • How can we be anything but energy? Cosmic energy?

  • Two kinds of liberation

    There are two kinds of liberation. The liberation from soul knowledge and the liberation from the material determination. If a person is liberated from soul knowledge, then he is no longer connected to anything. He is ruled by fear and lives the maximum control of his environment. Seeks unity in the control exercised through him.…

  • Nowadays and in this world means love…

    Nowadays and in this world means love, to buy and control someone. Means peace, to get rid of your fellow man. Means happiness, controlling the people you want, getting rid of the people you don’t want… …and then in addition having a lot of money and not having to work anymore.Or if that’s not possible,…

  • die knowing

    The question of unrestrained propagation has become overwhelming. Propagation through life in time. Propagation through conquests in space. All human activity is only the way that inanimate matter also goes. Pulling back, giving space. Dying knowing. That raises us above mere matter. That is the vocation of man.

  • To turn away is to turn towards

    When we turn away from capitalistic materialism, it is not to separate ourselves from others and live our own lives. But to be able to grow to full bloom and bring light and truth to others.

  • Man asks for the meaning of his existence

    The animal does not ask for the meaning of its existence. It exists in the context of the meaning of creation, but has no sensual access to it. Therefore it is simple. And has no problem with that. The concept of „meaning“ is unknown to it. Man asks for the meaning of his existence. Since…

  • „Everything“ is not always possible

    Sometimes build a hut. Sometimes shoot an animal to eat it. Sometimes do some farming and use the surface for yourself. Perfectly all right. No – problem. But: building up everything, levelling everything, killing everything, mechanising everything… that is a – problem. Keep moderation. Keep the middle. Recognising the natural harmony: Man can do that.…

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