Kategorie: Uncategorized

  • It’s a strange story, isn’t it? But it is true.

    I feel people when I am in connection with them. I feel them very clearly. I once wrote a letter. An email to Mrs Merkel, our Federal Chancellor. A few days later, I’m walking with friends in the park, a strange feeling suddenly comes over me. Suddenly I know that on this Sunday afternoon Mrs…

  • Permanent awakening

    When I gave up my profession, this was my first awakening. Without knowing it, I knew that this is not the life a human being should live. When I realised as a host that there was something good in every human being, a light that I could perceive and accept, that was my second awakening.…

  • Karma

    Man is a cosmic function, a vibration. Just like everything else in the cosmos. In the same way he is a reflection of material events. In this he is determined. Is he a willless part of the course of the cosmic vibrations of all matter. This is the „karma“. The ever-recurring compulsion. The oscillation according…

  • Sometimes I lose sight of the sacredness of the world

    Sometimes I lose sight of the sacredness of the world. Then I am in the state of consciousness in which the vast majority of people are in materialism. And they have no way out of it. They know only that and nothing else. How are they supposed to know that their life is so much…

  • The change, nobody has to be afraid of what is coming.

    The experiences of the 1910-30s (and later again of the 60s) in Europe have naturally led politics to remain in a middle, motionless, waveless and tough mush and to drag the population into this spell with them. No movement = no differing opinions and so no possible splits. No danger of revolution. No chaos that…

  • If I am weak, then I must seek my fear.

  • Feeling love

    Direct yourself towards something or someone and try to feel love for it or him. Deep love. Shocked, you maybe will realise that you cannot do it at all. The connection does not arise. You do not feel the oneness. So you live in materialism. Every second of your life. And you think that this…

  • Compensation

    Women in material positions are often sharper in their ego than men because they are not as strong physically and want /need to compensate for this with the mind. Mind and body are one. Are the material states influenced by each other.

  • „It is more blessed to give than to receive“ is a fact of experience.

    Even material giving must always be connected with inner giving. Giving with love. Then security and strength arise in one’s self. „What goes around comes around“ is the same.

  • It is not the abandonment of the body that is the earthly goal.

    The use of the body to increase the feminine in the world is.

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