Kategorie: Uncategorized

  • Man and fire

    Fire was and is the almost infinite energy with which man was able to leave his tropical paradise and spread over the entire earth. More energy than the volcanic eruption, for example, which can only spread its lava in circles measured in kilometres. Fire is the energy of the natural catastrophe called mankind. Until he…

  • It is not in the doing itself. It is in what we find – supposed – peace….

    The inaction. The inaction. No activity. No meaningful (!) activity. No sense in being. Acting! Being competent. Acting successfully. To „create“ something. No matter what. That which – one – can. That is meaning. That is – control. That is – security. To be absorbed in it and – forget everything else. Death. The way…

  • Why?

    The question of „why?“, of meaning, already transcends material existence. Matter does not ask this question. It appropriates or separates. No matter why and from what sense. These questions come from a foreboding consciousness that is still too deeply buried in ignorance. It sees the glimmer but cannot recognise it.

  • A society in inclusive consciousness

    In a society where not all members have an inclusive consciousness, there will always be psychopaths who will offer themselves as saviours to the fearful. The fearful are almost only matter and therefore an easy game for the magic of the psychopaths and willingly hand over all actions and decisions to the master of matter.…

  • If you have dogs, for example, it is important to develop their skills.

    If you have dogs, for example, it is important to develop their skills. That’s how animals do it among themselves. Only where the individual lacks the competence in his disposition, another takes over. Total dominance, on the other hand, leads to one-sided misbehaviour and decisions. Humans are predisposed to competence in the areas of humanity,…

  • Lying, threatening, luring, convincing….

    Lying is one of the abilities of a living being to influence materiality on the more abstract level of feelings. These abilities also include threatening, luring, persuading…. Ultimately, everything that enables a spreading, an appropriation – an advantage over the others – on a „finer“ material level.

  • What’s lying?

    Nothing special. The lie separates the lied to from the truth and supports the accumulation of power, things, opinions, influence etc. on the liar. Thus, in its properties of separating and accumulating, it is exclusively an expression of the material principle. If you will, by implication, pure materialism can be considered a single lie. As…

  • Isn’t „profession“ also called „vocation“

    Many political decision-makers think that if unconditional basic income were introduced, no one would go to work any more. What does that mean then? That the world of work is hell where no one goes unless they have to? That working is so bad that you have to make people work? That people have to…

  • Karma

    Compulsive actions, habits, are vibrations that always throw us and others back, always throw us back to the beginning and set all development to almost zero.

  • „Life is life“. – What does that mean?

    „Life is life.“ Means: the meaning of life is life itself. Or: The meaning of being is being itself. What does that mean? For one person it means complete loneliness. No goal there is. Nothing to achieve. Everything falls back on itself. Always up to your neck in shit. The loneliness. The suffering. That’s all…

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