
20 years Bottrop

A woman once visited an acquaintance who had moved to Freiburg, on the edge of the Black Forest, where she held small nature seminars and the like.

The visitor: „How great this is! So close to the forest! In this wonderful landscape! And the work! With the spirits of nature! How beautiful! I want to do something like that. But we are sitting in our settlement in Oberhausen and I am trying to start again, now that the children are in school, but somehow it’s not going so fast! I don’t know. Somehow everyone manages and I do and do and no one comes to my courses. Now I’m already taking a business coaching course and hoping that the coaches for 100 € an hour will get me further. They always talk about a picture and text brand that I have to develop. That must now slowly get everything going with this spiritual practice and so! And you live here so wonderfully at Freiburg and do such great things! I want that now too!“

The acquaintance from Freiburg: „Well, my dear. I also did 25 years in Recklinghausen before…“

Pain must never be allowed to guide us. Our actions grow out of the fearless knowledge of our security in the meaning, of our soulfulness and of the eternal unity of everything. We always act in love for everything and everyone. There is no inner separation. Pain alone must never guide us.

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